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Which Porutham Is Important For Marriage? An Overview of Matching Systems

Marriages are made in heaven, it is often said. But for many communities and cultures, ensuring compatibility between the bride and groom is vital for marital success and longevity. This is where the concept of porutham, or koota matching, comes in. Porutham refers to the method of assessing the compatibility between a prospective bride and groom by comparing their birth stars and horoscopes. It has its roots in Vedic Astrology and is an integral part of Hindu marital traditions, especially in South India.  


But with over 20 poruthams to consider, which ones matter? And how exactly does porutham work? Let's take a closer look at some of the key matching systems and find out what makes for an ideal match.

The Ten Poruthams

The most essential poruthams are collectively known as the Dasaporutham or the ten matches. These include:

  1. Dina Porutham: Compare the birthday stars of the couple. This signifies their emotional compatibility and affection levels.
  2. Gana Porutham: Determines their temperaments - whether one is divine, human, or demonic! Matched ganas indicate similar life attitudes.  
  3. Yoni Porutham: Compares their yoni signs which represent various animals. Harmonious yonis such as cat and rat or elephant and lion are seen as good matches. 
  4. Rasi Porutham: Checks if their rasi signs or moon signs are compatible. Some combinations like Virgo and Pisces are considered excellent.
  5. Rasyadhipathi Porutham: Matches the planetary rulers of their Rashi signs. If the rulers share a good equation, it bodes well for the couple.
  6. Vasya Porutham: Studies the affection and dominating levels between the Rashi signs. Some pairings have an inherent teacher-student bond.
  7. Rajju Porutham: Ensures the bride and groom do not have an afflicted rajju or nerve connection between signs. This can cause health issues or even the death of one partner.
  8. Vedhai Porutham: Determines if the rashis the planets rule are friendly or enemies. This assesses their ability to reconcile differences.
  9. Rasiyathipathi Porutham: Looks at the friendship between the rulers of each other's signs. If hostile, it indicates difficulty in understanding one another. 
  10. Mahendhram Porutham: Ensures more than a 26-point difference in the number of nakshatras traversed by the moon in their charts. Indicates long-lasting ties.

The Perfect Match

Now we know dasa porutham focuses on the moon and other key planets and their connections between the charts. But what exactly makes an ideal match? Here are some pointers:

- Dina and mahendhram poruthams are given special importance as they govern mental well-being and longevity of marriage.

- For optimal results, at least 7 poruthams should match between the couple. 

- Rasi, rajju, vedhai, and rasiyathipathi poruthams are considered more important than others.

- Gana, yoni, and Vasya act as supporting poruthams to fine-tune compatibility.

So in essence, the more poruthams concur the better aligned the stars are for both parties. This leads to improved understanding, mutual love, progeny, and thriving partnerships.

But Is Porutham Everything?

While porutham is certainly a guiding force, practical compatibility also plays a role. Astrology cannot decipher human feelings - only indicates possibilities. 

Factors like family background, personal values, interests, financial status, career goals, and physical attraction should also weigh in. So even if the porutham results are average, the relationship can still work if mutual willingness is high.  

Additionally, interpretations differ between regional and community matchmaking styles. For instance, some prioritize different poruthams or set alternative standards. So an open mind is necessary when reviewing results rather than relying on porutham alone to finalize a match.  

The Bigger Picture on Vedic Matchmaking

Porutham analysis is but one branch of the comprehensive matchmaking process prescribed in Vedic Astrology. Other key areas covered include:

- Ashtakoot Milan: The 8-fold matching system covering 36 gunas like temperament, longevity, fortune, emotional links, offspring, and sexual compatibility. It is the cornerstone of Hindu marriage Astrology. 

- Mangal Dosha check: Screening for Manglik defects in either chart which require remedial measures.

- Sarpa Dosha & Kalasarpa Dosha: Checking for malefic snake alignments needing appeasement ceremonies.

- Gems and mantra remedies: To amplify positive planetary energies between the pair.

So you see, vetting compatibility involves a holistic evaluation through the astrological lens encompassing porutham, doshas, gunas, remedial measures, and planetary potency. 

The Stars Show the Way But Only People Can Follow

In closure, while horoscope matching does play a definitive role in setting marriages up for success...

It takes two whole-hearted individuals pledging their love and dedication to walk the path laid out by the stars. Compromise, maturity, and understanding nurture the seeds sown by destiny. And the couple must actively nurture their bond through the ups and downs. For even with the best porutham, relationships require invested effort and mindfulness to blossom.

So rely on Astrology to reveal possibilities, but ultimately have faith in each other. With this balanced approach, may all prospective couples find their ideal life mate!


Astrological porutham analysis provides vital inputs into compatibility before marriage. Of the 10+ poruthams, nakshatra and rasi porutham offer the greatest insight into long-term temperament and attitude compatibility. 

Ganam and Yoni porutham provide additional compatibility match information related to innate personality traits and thinking patterns. Analyzing at least these 4 main poruthams enables making an informed choice for marriage, resulting in better prospects for adjustment and marital happiness.

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