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Know Things to Keep in Your Wallet to Attract Money

Having the right things in your wallet can help attract money and opportunities into your life. While simply filling your wallet with random objects won't magically make you rich, intentionally choosing certain items that speak to you on a deeper level can shift your money mindset and energy in a more positive direction. 


In this blog post, we'll explore 10 powerful items to keep in your wallet that can help you manifest more money. From lucky charms to affirmations, read on to discover what you should add to your wallet today to give your financial abundance a boost!


Carrying healing crystals in your wallet or purse helps activate their energetic properties throughout the day. Especially useful for money attraction are crystals like citrine, pyrite, jade, and green aventurine. Citrine emits positive energy and encourages generosity from others, making it a powerful wealthstone. Pyrite is known to attract wealth and prosperity, while jade and green aventurine promote good luck and opportunity. 

Choose small tumbled stones that fit nicely into a pocket or wallet compartment. Their vibrant energy will radiate outwards and affect your money mindset. You'll find more opportunities coming your way and a magnetic pull towards financial abundance.

Lucky Coins or Bills 

Many people around the world believe that carrying a coin or bill can attract new money into your life. In feng shui principles, metal objects like coins activate Qi energy and motion. Place a meaningful coin or bill in your wallet to represent the financial goals you wish to achieve. 

Some lucky money objects to consider are rare coins, foreign currency, two-dollar bills, or the lowest serial-numbered bill you can find. The more unique and symbolic your coin or bill, the more energy it will hold.

Money Affirmations 

Write positive money affirmations on small slips of paper and keep them in your wallet as reminders. Simple phrases like "I attract wealth and abundance" or "Money flows to me easily" reinforce a prosperous mindset. Whenever you open your wallet, you'll see the affirmations and give your subconscious a nudge toward prosperity.

Look up money affirmations that resonate with you or create your own. Write them in the present tense and keep them short and powerful. Place the affirmation papers somewhere you'll see them often to maximize the impact.

Business Cards from Your Dream Job or Business

Use inspiring business cards to help manifest your ideal career. Get creative and print business cards with your dream job title, company name, phone number, and other professional details. Choose cards that represent the business or career you wish to have. Carry the cards in your wallet as if you already have that role or business in the present moment. 

This technique is based on the law of attraction and visualization. Seeing the business cards reinforces the reality that you want to create as if it already exists. Stay focused on the positive emotions your dream career gives you. Know that when the time is right, your vision will manifest in real life.

Value Cards

Value cards remind you of your true worth and self-esteem. They can be simple note cards with your core values, strengths, and positive qualities written on them. Some examples include gratitude, creativity, honesty, courage, faith, joy, and generosity. Keep these cards handy in your wallet to pull out whenever you need a motivational boost.

Seeing your best qualities will build confidence, counter self-doubt, and help you stay centered in challenging times. Remembering your true value and unique gifts attracts prosperity because you project a positive self-image out to the world. You have so much to offer, so don't be shy about acknowledging it!

Good Luck Charms

Lucky talismans, feng shui symbols, and meaningful trinkets make excellent wallet additions for prosperity. They activate good fortune energy that attracts money your way. Lucky charms also boost confidence whenever you glance at them throughout the day.

Some fun lucky objects to try are four-leaf clovers, crystals, coins, angel/fairy figurines, symbols of your zodiac or birthstone, foreign currency, and Unexpected small windfalls. The charm that speaks to you will be the most potent. Trust your intuition when choosing.

Gratitude List 

Expressing gratitude through a list is incredibly powerful for abundance. It shifts your focus away from lack and centers your mind on prosperity. Keep a small note card in your wallet with a short list of things you're grateful for. Add to it regularly so it's always current. Go beyond material items and reflect on the meaningful - like health, loved ones, nature, and opportunities. 

Reading your gratitude list every day will begin transforming thoughts of scarcity into ones of appreciation. This energy attracts more financial gain, not because you "deserve" it, but because you're vibrating at a level aligned with prosperity.

Rewards Cards

Sign up for rewards programs through your credit card companies and favorite businesses. Keep the cards handy in your wallet to maximize perks like cashback, discounts, freebies, and loyalty points. Shop strategically with the cards to put money back in your pocket. 

Stack rewards so you're getting the most bang for your buck. For big purchases, check which card offers the best incentives. Maintaining good credit also helps money flow by allowing you to qualify for the top rewards programs.

Vision Board Photos

Add mini pictures to your wallet that represent financial goals. Images of vacations, homes, cars, your business, or charity work help energize your vision. Frequently seeing these photos subconsciously moves you toward manifesting your desires. 

Whenever you pay for something, glance at the vision board pictures first. Attach positive feelings to them like excitement, joy, and gratitude. This momentum keeps your outlook focused and optimistic as you take steps every day toward your goals.

The Takeaway

You don't need a lucky rabbit's foot or pot of gold to manifest money. Start with small, meaningful items you feel aligned with. Let these wallet objects motivate and inspire you whenever you're paying for something. An abundance mindset mixed with purposeful action turns desires into reality.

Try out a few of these powerful money magnets to see which resonate most. Pay attention to subtle signs and intuition nudging you towards prosperity. Maintain faith in the journey as your wallet becomes an oasis of possibilities. Limiting beliefs about money will transform into acceptance of financial freedom.


What you keep in your wallet has more power than you realize. Small objects imbued with intention can shift energy in your favor. Crystals, lucky charms, affirmations, vision boards, and more attract prosperity when you infuse them with purpose. Let the items you carry inspire positive thoughts, confidence, and greed. Money flows freely when you mindfully curate a wallet that aligns with your dreams. Begin attracting abundance today by filling your wallet mindfully not randomly. With focus and faith, your desires can manifest.


What are the best crystals to carry in your wallet for prosperity?

Some of the top crystals for prosperity are citrine, pyrite, jade, and green aventurine. These stones attract wealth energy, luck, and abundance.

How often should I change the money affirmations in my wallet? 

It's a good idea to refresh your money affirmations every 1-2 months. This keeps the statements feeling current and meaningful. 

How can I choose lucky charms for my wallet that feel meaningful?

Tune into your intuition and see which symbols stand out to you. Notice which charms you're drawn to or find inspiring. Meaningful charms will feel special.


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