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Know the 10 Best Hindu Mantras for Prosperity in Life

Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world, with a vast collection of sacred scriptures and texts full of spiritual wisdom. An important aspect of Hinduism is the chanting of mantras - sacred sounds and phrases that hold deep spiritual meaning and potency. 


Chanting mantras is believed to calm the mind, instill focus, connect us to the divine, and even attract health, abundance, and good fortune into one's life. Each mantra contains certain vibrations and frequencies that are said to align us to higher states of consciousness when repeated consistently with devotion and focus. 

In this blog post, we will explore 10 of the best Hindu mantras for prosperity, success, and abundance. Implementing these mantras into your daily routine can help remove obstacles, improve finances, increase luck, and generally attract positivity and prosperity wherever they are needed most.

1. Mahalakshmi Mantra

The Mahalakshmi mantra praises Mahalakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth, prosperity, and fortune. Mahalakshmi is the epitome of abundance and blessings. This mantra asks for the divine blessings of Mahalakshmi to bestow prosperity and success. 

"Om Shreem Mahalakshmiyei Namaha"

Translation: "Om and salutations to the great goddess Mahalakshmi, bestower of happiness, prosperity and abundance."

Benefits: Chanting this mantra can help remove financial obstacles, and attract wealth and material abundance. It boosts success in business and career.

2. Kubera Mantra 

Kubera is known as the Hindu god of wealth. This mantra praises Lord Kubera and asks for his blessings to remove poverty and provide prosperity. It helps elevate you from a consciousness of lack into one of abundance. 

"Om Yakshaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaya Dhanadhanyadi Padayeh Dhana-Dhanya Samreeddhing Me Dehi Dapaya Svaha" 

Translation: "Om. Salutations to Kubera, the lord of wealth and remover of poverty and bestower of prosperity."

Benefits: Regular chanting of the Kubera mantra helps attract wealth, remove financial difficulties, and provide material comforts. It helps you become more abundant, generous, and prosperous.  

3. Ganesh Mantra

Ganesh is one of the most beloved Hindu deities, who removes obstacles and brings in success when called upon. This is a simple yet powerful Ganesh mantra to invoke his blessings. 

“Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha” 

Translation: "Om and salutations to Lord Ganesha". 

Benefits: Chanting this mantra invokes Ganesha's energy to clear any blocks, obstacles, or challenges. It sets the stage for success in any endeavor or venture.

4. Saraswati Mantra 

Goddess Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, arts, wisdom, and learning. Her divine energy helps awaken creative potential and improves skills and talents.  

“Om Aim Saraswatyai Namaha”

Translation: "Om and salutations to the goddess Saraswati".

Benefits: Chanting Saraswati's mantra enhances creative expression, knowledge, music, and artistic talents. It brings in wisdom, intellect, and purification of your thoughts.

5. Shreem Mantra

“Shreem” is a divine sound associated with abundance and the goddess Mahalakshmi. As a seed mantra, it holds supreme abilities to manifest prosperity. It raises your energy vibration and aligns you with abundance.

"Om Shreem Namaha"

Translation: “Om and salutations to the sacred sound of abundance, Shreem”.

Benefits: Regular chanting of Shreem helps remove financial struggles and attracts prosperity, success, and abundance in all forms.

6. Kleem Mantra 

Kleem is another mystical seed sound associated with attraction and material abundance. Chanting Kleem invokes the divine powers to manifest your desires and attract blessings into your life.

“Om Kleem Namaha” 

Translation: “Om and salutations to the sacred sound of Kleem”.  

Benefits: Kleem mantra chanting boosts your power to attract money, luxuries, prosperity, and anything else you desire. It turbo-charges your manifestation powers.

7. Lakshmi Narasimha Mantra

This powerful mantra invokes the intense energies of Narasimha - the lion-headed form of the divine. It calls upon Lakshmi and Narasimha to destroy all sorrows and dangers and bestow protection and abundance.

“Om Nrusimhaya Namaha”

Translation: “Om and salutations to Lord Narasimha.”

Benefits: Chanting this gives courage and strength during challenging times. It helps overcome troubles and grants prosperity and success.

8. Santan Gopal Mantra 

The Santan Gopal mantra invokes the blessings of Lord Krishna for a child. For those desiring progeny, chanting this mantra can help bear a healthy and prosperous child.  

“Om Devaki Sudha Govinda Vasudeva Jagat Pate Dehi Me Tanayam Krishna Tvaamaham Sharanam Gatah”

Translation: “Om. Please bestow upon me a son, Oh Lord Krishna, husband of Devaki, protector of the universe. I take refuge in you.”

Benefits: This mantra blesses a couple with a healthy, divine child. It also removes obstacles in fertility and improves the chances of conception. Chanting this also blesses the child with divine qualities.

9. Durga Mantra

Goddess Durga is the epitome of power. She protects her devotees from danger and removes troubles from their lives. Her mantra evokes the protective energy of mother Durga.

“Om Dum Durgaye Namaha”  

Translation: “Om and salutations to Goddess Durga”.

Benefits: Chanting the Durga mantra invokes her protective energies into your life. It provides strength to overcome challenges, removes negativity, and protects from har

10. Dhanvantri Mantra 

Dhanvantri is the heavenly physician and the god of Ayurvedic medicine in Hinduism. He blesses good health and removes suffering. His mantra improves overall well-being.

“Om Shri Dhanvantre Namaha”

Translation: “Om salutations to Lord Dhanvantri”.

Benefits: Chanting this mantra heals diseases and improves health and vitality. It wards off negativity related to health and invokes Lord Dhanvantri's blessings.


Adding these powerful Hindu mantras to your daily routine can activate the energy frequencies around you to attract positivity, prosperity, abundance, and divine blessings.

Chant these mantras out loud or internally with full devotion first thing in the morning and before bedtime to imbibe their vibrations into your life. You may also play recordings of these mantras in your home and workplace to spread the energy. 

With regular practice, you will find obstacles removed, manifestations happening quicker, and a sense of prosperity, positivity, and progress filling your life.


What are the benefits of chanting Hindu mantras?

Chanting Hindu mantras can help calm the mind, remove obstacles, attract positivity, and align your energies with prosperity and abundance. The vibrations and frequencies in mantras are believed to connect us to divine forces that bless our lives.

How do mantras bring prosperity? 

The sounds and words in mantras create specific vibrations that resonate with universal energy fields related to health, wealth, knowledge, and other blessings. Regularly chanting mantras tunes your mind and energy to attract those blessings into your life.

Which mantra is best for getting a job?

The Mahalakshmi Mantra is excellent for prosperity and overcoming financial obstacles. The Ganesh mantra removes obstacles and initiates success in endeavors. Chanting these can help manifest new job opportunities.

Can mantras really help have a baby? 

The Santan Gopal mantra has been traditionally used for fertility and conception. Chanting this mantra with devotion and consistency is said to bless couples with a healthy and divine child.

How often should I chant these mantras?

For best results, aim to chant your chosen prosperity mantra for at least 5-10 minutes daily in the morning and evening. Maintain consistency and chant with full attention to the mantra and its meaning. This regular vibration alignment will manifest results.

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