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Know the Sade Sati Setting Phase and Rising Phase Remedies

Sade Sati, also known as the 7.5-year Saturn cycle, is an astrological phenomenon that occurs when Saturn transits the 12th, 1st, and 2nd houses from the Moon sign in a person's birth chart. This transit brings major life changes and challenges that can seem overwhelming, but with the right understanding and remedies, Sade Sati can become an opportunity for profound personal growth. In this post, we'll explore what Sade Sati is, how the Setting Phase and Rising Phase differ, and effective remedies for both periods.


What is Sade Sati?

In Vedic Astrology, Saturn takes approximately 2.5 years to transit through each zodiac sign, spending a total of 7.5 years in transit around the 12 signs. Sade Sati occurs when Saturn transits the sign before your Moon sign (12th house), your Moon sign (1st house), and the sign after your Moon sign (2nd house). As Saturn is considered a malefic planet, its prolonged transit over the Moon and adjacent houses is believed to bring intense difficulties and obstacles in life.

However, this challenging Transit is also seen as a time of great learning, where one can develop mental and emotional maturity, inner strength, and a detached perspective through patience and spirituality. By reflecting on life lessons and putting in dedicated effort, it is believed one can emerge from Sade Sati with greater wisdom.

The Three Phases of Sade Sati 

Sade Sati is divided into three phases, with each having its own significance and impact:

  1. The Setting Phase (12th House): This occurs when Saturn transits the 12th house from your Moon sign. The house of loss and expenditure indicates this time can drain you physically, mentally, and financially. You may feel confused, anxious, isolated, or depressed. Managing your mind, emotions, sleep, and finances needs extra effort now.
  2. The Peak Phase (1st House): With Saturn's two-and-a-half-year transit of the 1st house from the Moon, you directly feel the planet's heavy and serious influence. There may be many pressures, duties, and delays during this time. Staying focused, working hard, and laying low is wise. Patience is key.
  3. The Rising Phase (2nd House): The final two-and-a-half-year stretch when Saturn transits the 2nd house from the Moon. This influences your wealth, family, and speech. Financial restraints, conflicts with loved ones, and ineffective communication are common. But things gradually improve during this liberating ascent.

Setting Phase Vs Rising Phase of Sade Sati

The Setting and Rising phases of Sade Sati are marked by some key differences:

  1. Mindset: The Setting Phase can make you pessimistic and worried as Saturn approaches. The Rising Phase brings hope as you see Saturn moving onward and away from the Moon.
  2. Area of Life Affected: The 12th house Setting Phase brings seclusion and expenses affecting your inner confidence. The 2nd house house-rising phase impacts family, finances, and values more externally.  
  3. Saturn's Aspect: Saturn aspects the Moon with its 10th aspect in the Setting Phase, before directly transiting the Moon in the Peak Phase. The last leg Saturn only aspects the Moon with its 3rd aspect.
  4. Impact Intensity: The lead-up Setting Phase sets an unsettling tone. The Rising Phase is more moderate as you have already been through Peak Sade Sati.
  5. Outlook: Distress about the future dominates the Setting Phase. Relief comes in the Rising Phase as the intensity lifts.

Remedies for Getting Through the Setting Phase  

The Setting Phase marks Saturn's transition into the Moon's zone of influence. To navigate this draining period:

  • Reflect on life lessons so far and set meaningful goals for the future. Saturn rewards effort and purpose.
  • Avoid negative people who diminish your confidence. Seek optimistic companions.
  • Boost emotional strength through yoga, meditation, and pensiveness. Don't react instantly.
  • Be very selective about new endeavours. Take on only what you can fully commit to.
  • Strengthen home life. Spend time with loved ones, and maintain harmony. 
  • Donate black sesame, leather items, or iron on Saturdays. Recite prayers for Lord Hanuman.
  • Sprinkle sesame oil around the home entrance daily. Install a Shani yantra pendant.
  • Chant the Shani mantra “Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah” on Saturdays. Light sesame oil lamp.
  • Wear blue sapphire or azurite Saturn gemstone set in silver or iron ring on Saturn's finger.
  • Avoid alcohol, non-veg foods, and salty foods. Include lentils, spices, and mustard oil in your diet.

With devoted mantras, charity, Saturn gemstones, and a reflective mindset, one can achieve mental clarity and wisdom in the Setting Phase.

Uplifting Remedies for the Rising Sade Sati Phase

As Saturn begins releasing its hold on the Moon in the Rising Phase, implementing elevating remedies can help capitalise on the lessons learned:

  • Recall challenges already overcome. Affirm faith in your inner strength and resilience. 
  • Look ahead with optimism. Free yourself from past regrets. Accept situations as impermanent.
  • Spend time visualising and planning for your future once this transit passes. Saturn rewards effort.
  • Find inspiration in spirituality, philosophy, or noble causes beyond yourself. 
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle with a balanced, wholesome diet and daily exercise. 
  • Make time for relaxing activities like music, museums, nature walks, tea, or reading.
  • Join a charity organisation and volunteer time to help the less fortunate. Donate food or clothes.
  • Chant OM Namah Shivay mantra on Mondays. Visit Shiva temple for empowerment.
  • Recite Surah An-Nas & Surah Al Falaq to protect against negative influences.
  • Perform Abhishekam on Shiva Lingam using water, milk, honey, ghee etc. 
  • Take professional advice regarding the benefits of gemstone upgrades as the hardships of Saturn's transit phase conclude. The planets' energies keep shifting.

With mindful, optimistic, and spiritually uplifting behaviours, the Rising Phase can be a rewarding time where you recognize your inner strengths while preparing hopefully for the future.

In Summary

Getting through Sade Sati requires understanding, adaptability, and faith. The Setting Phase marks Saturn's looming transit over the Moon. The Rising Phase indicates Saturn's liberating exit from the Moon's vicinity. Adjust expectations, reflect on life lessons, embrace spirituality, and adopt Saturn-appeasing remedies to navigate both phases smoothly. Aligned actions will empower you to gain wisdom and inner growth from the experience.


What is the duration of Sade Sati's Setting Phase?

The Setting Phase lasts for approximately 2.5 years while Saturn transits the 12th house from your Moon sign. 

How does the Setting Phase of Sade Sati impact married life? 

The 12th house's influence on the moon can create emotional distance from the spouse. Avoid unnecessary conflicts and spend quality time together.

What mantra can I chant during the Rising Phase for positive effects?

Chanting the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra dedicated to Lord Shiva during the Rising phase can be auspicious and uplifting.

Does the Rising Phase affect income and finances? 

Yes, as the 2nd house from Moon rules wealth, the Rising Phase can bring some financial constraints initially before gradual improvements.

How can I calm my mind during the turbulent Setting Phase?

Meditation, contemplation, counseling, affirmations, and spiritual advice can help calm the mind when going through the unsettling Setting Phase.

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