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Appearing in Exams in 2024? Top Vastu Tips for You to Aim for Success

The year 2024 is here and for students, it is going to be an important year with exams right around the corner. Exams are stressful times for students as your future depends on how well you perform. While studying hard and preparing thoroughly for the exams is no doubt important, there are some small Vastu tips that can give you an added advantage. 


Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science of architecture that aims to create harmony between human beings and nature by balancing the five elements - earth, water, fire, wind, and space. By making small Vastu changes, you can enhance positive energies around you, helping you relax and focus better.

Here are some simple yet effective Vastu tips to follow at home and in the exam hall to achieve success in your exams in 2024:

Clear Clutter from the Study Area

Having a cluttered desk and room can negatively impact your ability to study and retain information. Make sure your study area is neat, organized, and free of clutter. Keep only essential books, notes, and stationery on your desk. Avoid piling up old notes, assignments, or unused items in your study space. Clutter blocks positive energies and makes your mind distracted and stressed.

Let Natural Light and Air Flow In

Proper lighting and ventilation are important Vastu factors that influence our concentration levels. Make sure your study room has a window to allow natural light and air to flow in. Dim lighting strains the eyes while studying for long hours. Fresh air also improves alertness and focus. Open windows every day for some time to circulate fresh air. 

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Use Green Plants to Purify Energy 

Placing small indoor green plants like money plants, bamboo, aloe vera, etc around your study area helps purify the energy. Plants have a rejuvenating and relaxing effect on the mind and improve oxygen flow. You can also keep one potted plant on your study desk. Remember to water the plants daily. Dried and wilted plants emit negative energy.

Remove Distracting Noises

Noise is a major distraction especially when you are studying for exams. Make sure your study area is far from the TV, loud music, and noises. Close the door of your room to avoid noise from outside. You can use earplugs as well to block distracting sounds. Silence has a positive impact on concentration and memory retention.

Set the Northeast Corner Right

As per Vastu, the northeast corner of a room represents learning and positivity. Avoid cluttering this area - do not place heavy furniture here. You can use the northeast corner for your study space or place an idol or painting of Goddess Saraswati. Keep this area clean. Face this direction when studying to boost concentration.

Use Calming Colors

Colors have an impact on our mood and performance. Opt for light, calming colors like white, light yellow, pale blue, and light green for walls/furniture in your study space. These colors are soothing and enhance focus and retention power. Avoid having bold, dark colors here. You can use motivational quotes framed in light colors.

Display Success Symbols

The symbols and images displayed in your study area impact your subconscious mind. Frame motivational quotes, affirmations, your goals or a vision board with positive images. Use images and idols depicting knowledge and positivity. Avoid showcasing certificates of past achievements here - they remind you of past success and affect your present motivation levels.

Sleep Facing South

The direction you sleep in impacts how relaxed you feel. Sleeping with your head in the south direction is considered beneficial as it improves concentration, memory, and decision-making skills. Keep windows open in the south for better sleep quality and oxygen flow. Avoid electronic gadgets before bedtime for restful sleep.

Declutter Your Mind Through Meditation

Meditation is highly effective in calming a cluttered mind, improving focus, and relieving exam stress. Set aside at least 15-20 mins daily for simple breathing exercises, mantra chanting, or mindfulness meditation. Meditating in the early morning hours is ideal. You can also meditate right before your exam for a calm mind.

Create Positive Affirmations & Manifest Goals 

Affirmations are positive statements that program your subconscious mind. Create affirmations such as "I maintain focus and inner peace" and "I possess a sharp memory and absorb knowledge effortlessly. Place these strips around your desk and read them aloud daily. Also, write your exam goals and visualize achieving them. This attracts positive energies to fulfill your goals.

Eat Light, Nutritious Meals

Your diet impacts your performance. Avoid heavy, greasy meals before exams. Eat light, nourishing meals with nutrients that boost memory like omega 3s, antioxidants, and vitamin B12. Stay hydrated by drinking adequate water and herbal teas. Chewing gums or having mint helps improve alertness too. Give your brain the right fuel to function optimally.

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Keep Your Sleep Cycle Consistent

Lack of sleep is detrimental to your success as it hampers your thinking ability and concentration. Despite hectic exam schedules, ensure you are getting 7-8 hours of sleep daily. Sleep and wake up at a set time to maintain your biological cycle. Avoid staying up late and pulling all-nighters. Listen to relaxation techniques if you have trouble sleeping.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

The company you keep impacts your thinking and performance. Avoid negative-minded people who cause you stress or sap your motivation and energy. Spend time conversing with people who motivate and uplift you intellectually. Their positivity will rub off on you and boost your confidence. Take advice from elders for guidance.

Display Images of Deities

Images of Gods and deities are a key aspect of Vastu. You can place a small mandir or wall frame of deities you worship in the northeast zone. Maintain this space sacred and clean always. Light a lamp here daily and offer flowers. Seeking blessings from your ishta devata fills you with positive energy and strength.

Rid Clutter from Your Wallet/Bags

According to Vastu, clutter in your wallet, purses, and bags symbolizes financial and mental clutter. Make it a habit to regularly clean your wallet and bags and throw out unessential, old items. Organize with compartments and pouches. This helps you mentally declutter too and make space for new financial opportunities and knowledge.

Implementing these small Vastu tweaks along with diligent exam preparation will help you relax, focus better, and achieve success in your exams. Vastu aims to enhance the flow of positive energy needed to excel. Adopt these tips early on to reap the Vastu advantage. Here's wishing you the very best for your exams!


Exams are important milestones in a student's life. While thorough preparation through studies is essential, Vastu tips help create a supportive environment and balance energies around you. By decluttering spaces, letting in fresh air and sunlight, and using inspirational images and relaxing colors, you allow positive energy to flow freely. 

Adopting good sleep habits, eating nutritious food, meditating, and surrounding yourself with motivating people also enhances your focus and performance. Implement these Vastu tips diligently along with your exam preparation efforts to aim higher success in the coming year.


How can plants help me study better according to Vastu?

Plants purify the indoor air and have a relaxing effect on the mind. Having small potted plants on your study desk or around the room helps you stay refreshed and focused for longer study sessions. Remember to water the plants daily.

Is it okay to study in a room with little natural light and ventilation?

Lack of natural light and air circulation can negatively impact concentration levels. Try to ensure your study space has a window to allow proper lighting and airflow. Open windows daily to let in fresh oxygen.

How should I position my study table as per Vastu?

Ideally, face the northeast direction when studying to harness positive energies. Place your study table such that you face this direction when sitting. Avoid studying with your back facing the entrance door.

Can colors used in the study room help with better retention?

Yes, opt for light, calming colors like white, light yellow, pale blue, or green on the walls and furniture. Bold, dark colors can be distracting. Soft pastel colors have a positive effect on the mind.

How many hours before the exam should I stop studying?

Don't study late into the night just before exams. Stop studying 2-3 hours before sleep time to allow your mind to relax. Meditate or listen to relaxing music to calm your mind before sleeping. A well-rested mind performs better.

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