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Dussehra 2024 Date: Know the Story, Date, Significance, and Muhurat

Dussehra 2024 Date: The festival of Dussehra, also referred to as Vijayadashami, is celebrated with immense zeal across India as one of the major Hindu occasions. Mythologically, it represents the victory of righteousness over sin, with the day marking Lord Rama's defeat of the ten-headed demon Ravana as well as the slaying of Mahishasura by warrior goddess Durga. The festival gloriously commemorates the powerful triumph of good over evil forces.


Celebrated on the 10th day of Navratri in the Hindu calendar month of Ashwin, Dussehra carries deep cultural and spiritual significance. This article will provide details on the traditional story behind Dussehra, its date and significance in 2024, as well as the shubh muhurat, or auspicious time for Ravan Dahan, and other rituals. Read on to understand the essence of this major festival and how it is observed across India.

When is Dusshera in 2024?

The auspicious festival of Dussehra, known as Vijayadashmi, will fall on Saturday, October 12th, 2024, as per the Hindu lunisolar calendar. The festival marks the victory of Lord Rama over demon king Ravana and falls on the 10th day of the bright half of the Hindu month of Ashvin. Dussehra celebrations typically involve plays depicting the Ramayana epic, burning of Ravana effigies, and festive processions. This is a prominent Hindu festival observed throughout India.

Dusshera 2024 Date and Shubh (Vijay) Muhurat

Dussehra celebrations start weeks in advance, but the main festivities are concentrated on the tenth day, or Vijayadashami. Every year, the date varies as per the Hindu lunisolar calendar, which depends on the relative positions of the sun and moon.

Dussehra in 2024 will be celebrated on Saturday, October 12th. The Vijay Muhurat on Dussehra is from 02:10 PM to 02:57 PM, which is considered the most auspicious time for the burning of Ravana effigies. Drawing from the ancient Hindu epic Ramayana, Dussehra celebrates the victory of righteousness and justice over sinister and immoral forces - conveying the timeless message of the ultimate triumph of good over evil.

Day and Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2024

Vijay Muhurat: 02:10 PM to 02:57 PM

Dashami Tithi Begins: 10:58 AM on October 12, 2024

Dashami Tithi Ends: 09:08 AM on October 13, 2024

Once the effigies go up in brilliant flames and firecrackers, people celebrate the symbolic destruction of evil with flowers and sweets. The triumph of the divine is believed to shower prosperity, happiness, and courage into one's life.

Dussehra 2024: The Grand Celebration of Good Over Evil

Dussehra, alternatively referred to as Vijayadashami, stands as one of India's most significant Hindu festivals. This celebration occurs on the tenth day of the bright half (Shukla Paksha) in the Hindu month of Ashvin, and in 2024, it falls on Tuesday, October 24th

The festival is dedicated to honoring the triumph of righteousness over malice. In Hindu mythology, it signifies the day when Lord Rama vanquished Ravana, the ten-headed demon king who had abducted Rama's wife, Sita. Additionally, this day signifies the conclusion of Durga Puja, symbolizing Goddess Durga's victory over the buffalo demon Mahishasura after a grueling battle spanning nine days and nights.

Dussehra celebrations are characterized by the burning of giant effigies of Ravana, Meghnad, and Kumbhakaran - said to be Ravana's brothers. Referred to as Ravana Dahan or Dasara as well, this event draws crowds numbering in the hundreds of thousands. It marks the destruction of evil and the restoration of dharma (righteousness).

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The Story and Legend Behind Dussehra

According to Hindu scriptures, Ravana was the learned but arrogant king of Lanka (present-day Sri Lanka). He was a devout follower of Lord Shiva, and through severe penance, he pleased Shiva and asked for the boon of immortality.

Shiva refused to grant the boon, as everything that is born must die. Ravana then asked for absolute invulnerability from gods, celestial beings, other rakshasas, yakshas, Gandharvas, nagas, and every other creature. Shiva granted him the boon, but excluded human beings from it.

Armed with the boon, Ravana started thinking of himself as invincible and created chaos across all three worlds. He drove out his righteous brother Kubera, the Lord Treasurer of the Gods, from Lanka and occupied his kingdom. Ravana’s tyranny grew to the extent that he even dared to steal the Kailasa mountain, the abode of Shiva and Parvati.

It was then that the gods approached Lord Vishnu for help in stopping Ravana's growing powers. Vishnu assured them that he would be born on earth as a human to end Ravana's evil rule. In fulfillment of his vow, Vishnu incarnated as Rama, the son of King Dasharatha of Ayodhya.

Raised with love and virtuous values, Rama grew into the perfect human being, displaying courage, compassion, and determination to fight adharma. When Ravana abducted Sita while she was in exile with Rama and Lakshmana in the forests, Rama waged a mighty war to rescue his wife.

After a long and fierce battle, Rama killed Ravana on the tenth day of Ashvin Shukla Paksha, thus restoring the balance between good and evil. Ravana’s death marked the triumph of morality, virtue, and righteous values. This event is commemorated as Dussehra every year.

What is the Significance of Dusshera in India?

Dussehra, a significant Hindu festival, symbolizes the conquest of Lord Rama over the demon king Ravana and represents the victory of righteousness over malevolence, restoring dharma. The effigy burning of Ravana symbolizes the destruction of negative traits and ego within oneself. 

Dussehra also signals the conclusion of the nine-day Navratri festival and the commencement of preparations for Diwali. For many, it is an auspicious time to start new ventures, educational pursuits, or skills training. The festival carries great cultural and spiritual significance in India.

Also Read: When is Diwali in 2024? Date, History, Significance, and Puja Muhurat

Dussehra 2024 Worship Method

Here are some of the key rituals and worship methods associated with Dussehra celebrations in 2024:

  • To celebrate Dussehra 2024, wake up early and bathe, wearing new, fresh clothes. 
  • Clean and decorate the puja area beautifully, establishing an idol of Maa Durga. 
  • Conduct the puja during the auspicious Vijaya Muhurta, facing northeast. 
  • Chanting the Aparajita Stotra and then the Ram Raksha Stotra is considered highly auspicious. 
  • Offer fruits and sweets as bhog prasad to Maa Durga.
  • Conduct the Maha Aarti, offering prayers to the Goddess for the well-being of all, and then distribute prasad.
  • Performing rituals to bless vehicles, electronic devices, and weapons at home is also seen as an auspicious tradition on this day.

Some Special Remedies for Dussehra 2024

Here are some special remedies suggested for Dussehra 2024:

  • Wake up early and take a bath with sesame seeds (til) to purify your aura before the puja rituals. 
  • Wear new yellow or red clothes to attract positivity and good fortune.
  • Freshen up your home and adorn the entrance with marigold blossoms and mango leaves for decoration
  • Prepare and offer sweets made with til, like til ladoo or til patti, as prasad to Lord Rama.
  • Donate sesame, clothes, copper vessels, or gold on this day to help remove any negative planetary effects.
  • Chant the Rama Raksha Stotra and Shri Suktam prayers for protection against evil influences.
  • Perform ayurvedic oil pulling with sesame oil early in the morning to detoxify body before the fast. 
  • Light an akhand diya using sesame oil and place it on the puja altar for blessings.
  • Refrain from consuming non-vegetarian food or alcohol throughout the Navratri fasting period.
  • Break your fast after sunset with puran poli or kheer made of milk and sesame seeds.

Following these remedies can accentuate the positive effects of the Dussehra festival and bring you prosperity.

The Significance of Dussehra 2024

  • The victory of good over evil - The effigy burning signifies getting rid of negativity and evil tendencies within oneself and the world for the greater good of humanity.
  • End of negative ego - Ravana's end teaches that egotistical thinking and immoral behavior lead to one's downfall no matter how powerful one is.
  • Celebration of courage and ethics - Lord Rama's victory upholds the virtues of courage, righteousness, truth, and morality.
  • Reminder to relinquish bad habits - The festival signifies giving up harmful habits and behaviors that stand in the way of one's righteous path.
  • Beginning of preparations for Diwali - Dussehra marks the start of preparations for Diwali, another significant Hindu festival that falls twenty days after Vijayadashami.

Popular Dussehra Celebrations Across India

Dussehra is celebrated with great fervor across India, but some places host particularly well-known festivities, attracting thousands of tourists and devotees. Here are some popular Dussehra celebrations:

  • Mysore Dasara - The 10-day Mysore Dussehra is a royal carnival of processions, cultural programs, and illumination. The festivities culminate in a magnificent Vijayadashami parade led by decorated elephants.
  • Kullu Dussehra - Extended to 7 days, Kullu Dussehra is a scenic spectacle of more than 300 deities brought together in elaborate raths.
  • Bastar Dussehra - Chhattisgarh's Bastar hosts India’s longest Dussehra for 75 days, highlighted by tribal dance and music performances.
  • Kolkata Dussehra - Hundreds of Durga idols are immersed in the Ganges on Vijayadashami in Kolkata, marking a stunning spectacle.
  • Varanasi Dussehra - The Ganga aarti performed on Vijayadashami evening in Varanasi is a brilliant spiritual affair with thousands of diyas set afloat.
  • Bangalore Dussehra - The city palace in Bangalore hosts one of the grandest torch light parades for Dussehra in south India.

Mythological Background Behind Dusshera

The mythological background behind Dussehra celebrations relates to the Hindu epic Ramayana. As per the epic tale, Lord Rama sought the blessings of Goddess Durga by offering worship before embarking on his battle against the ten-headed demon king Ravana. 

Rama undertook an austerity ritual for nine days during the Navaratri season to appease the Goddess. Pleased with Rama's devotion, Durga bestowed her powers upon him. On the tenth day, which is Dussehra, Rama finally killed Ravana after a fierce battle. 

Ravana had kidnapped Rama's wife, Sita, and transported her to Lanka. Rama's victory over Ravana solidified the supremacy of righteousness over wickedness. Dussehra thus celebrates the righteous and ethical values of Lord Rama over Ravana 's greed and immorality. The efficacious burning of Ravana denotes getting rid of evil from one's own mind and life. The festival carries great spiritual significance and cultural heritage.

Key Rituals and Customs of Dussehra Celebration

  • Ravana Dahan - The spectacular burning of the effigies of the demon king Ravana, along with his brothers Meghnad and Kumbhakarna, serves as the grand finale of the Dussehra celebrations.
  • Weapon Worship - Soldiers, warriors, and martial artists clean and worship their weapons and instruments as part of Shastra Puja on Dussehra morning.
  • Book Reading - It is considered auspicious to begin education, arts, or music classes and read holy Hindu texts on Vijayadashami.
  • Kanya Puja - 9 young girls, symbolizing the nine manifestations of Goddess Durga, are ritually revered and presented with food as a gesture of homage to the feminine divine
  • Visarjan - On the tenth day, the idols of Goddess Durga from Durga Puja pandals are immersed in rivers and water bodies across eastern and northern India.
  • Flying Kites - In parts of north India, flying kites is an integral part of Dussehra celebrations, representing the flight of freedom and joy.
  • Special Food and Sweets - Delicious foods like puran poli, and shrikhand and sweet desserts like gujiya and lprayers, made on Dussehra.
  • Family Gatherings - The festival is marked by family and friends getting together and celebrating with food, prayers, and blessings.

Dussehra is indeed one of the most culturally significant festivals celebrated in India and across the globe, wherever Hindus have settled. The occasion infuses great positivity, inspiration, and cultural pride. By celebrating the ideals of courage, righteousness, and wisdom, Dussehra fosters unity, spirituality, and hope in society.

How Do People Celebrate Dusshera?

People celebrate Dussehra in various ways across India. Large effigies of Ravana are burned to symbolize the destruction of evil. Plays and dance dramas depicting the Ramayana story are organized. People dress up in new traditional clothes, exchange sweets, and visit temples. 

Houses are tidied and embellished with flowers, rangolis, and diyas. Special pujas are performed for Goddess Durga. In North India, people fly kites to mark celebrations. Fairs, cultural programs, and processions are also held. Friends and families come together to exchange blessings and good wishes over festive meals.

What are Dussehra's traditions, rituals, and culture?

  • Dussehra, a significant Hindu festival, is observed at the conclusion of Navratri annually, typically occurring in the month of Ashwin according to the Hindu lunar calendar, which usually falls in September or October.
  • The festival commemorates the conquest of good over evil, symbolizing Lord Rama's victory over the demon king Ravana and Goddess Durga's triumph over the buffalo demon Mahishasura.
  • In Northern India, it is celebrated as Vijayadashami, the day Lord Rama defeated Ravana after a long battle as described in the Hindu epic Ramayana. Huge effigies of Ravana are burned with fireworks, marking Rama's victory.
  • In Southern India, Dussehra focuses on celebrating Goddess Durga's victory over Mahishasura. Temples dedicated to Durga conduct special pujas and processions for her.
  • The festival is preceded by 9 days of Navratri celebrations, where people fast, pray, and perform garba dances to worship Durga. The tenth day is Dussehra.
  • Dussehra starts with people waking up early, taking baths, donning fresh attire, and embellishing their homes with flowers and rangolis. Elaborate rituals are performed for Goddess Durga.
  • Special foods like sundals, sweets, and savory dishes are made. Families and friends gather to celebrate good over evil. The ritual of 'Kolu' (displaying dolls) is an important part of Dussehra in South India.
  • In Mysuru, a colorful procession of decked up elephants and court members is held on Dussehra, ending in a torchlight parade.

So in summary, Dussehra represents the victory of righteousness, often through colorful rituals, celebrations, food, and community gatherings.


In conclusion, Dussehra is truly one of the most important festivals celebrated by Hindus all across India and beyond. The occasion represents the triumph of morality, ethical values, and righteousness over greed, hatred, and ego, as depicted in the epic Ramayana. 

Dussehra celebrations bring people together in the spirit of victory of good over evil. The rituals and customs re-instill faith in the power of truth, courage, and wisdom. By commemorating Lord Rama's win over Ravana on this day, the festival spreads a message of hope, inspiration, and positivity in society.

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