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Gandhi Jayanti 2024: Date, History, Significance and Celebration

Observed as a national holiday across India, Gandhi Jayanti is commemorated every year on 2nd October to mark the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, fondly remembered as the Father of the Nation. In 2024, the celebrations for this significant day will take place on Monday, 2nd October, highlighting Bapu's life and contributions.


Along with Independence Day and Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanti constitutes the triad of national holidays in India, commemorating occasions of profound significance in the nation's history. It is celebrated to honor and remember Mahatma Gandhi's invaluable contributions to the freedom struggle in India. Gandhi Jayanti is marked by prayer services, commemorative ceremonies, cultural events, and various tributes across the country.

When is Gandhi Jayanti 2024?

Gandhi Jayanti 2024 will be celebrated on Monday, 2nd October. Gandhi Jayanti commemorates the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, and is celebrated annually as a national holiday across the length and breadth of India. Gandhi Jayanti commemorates the values of truth, non-violence, harmony, and justice that Gandhi stood for and spread through the freedom struggle.

It is an occasion to remember Bapu's contribution and sacrifice in fighting colonial oppression and upholding human rights. The day inspired people to follow Gandhi's path of ahimsa and work for social reform. Special tributes, prayer services, cultural events, etc. are held across the country on 2nd October to mark Gandhi Jayanti every year.

How is Gandhi Jayanti celebrated?

Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated across India to honor the ideals and principles of Mahatma Gandhi. The day is commemorated through prayer meetings, memorial gatherings, and cultural programs that reflect on Gandhi's teachings and spotlight his life and philosophy. The President, Prime Minister, and other leaders offer floral tributes at Gandhi's samadhi at Raj Ghat in Delhi. 

Schools, colleges, and government institutions organize commemorative functions, and competitions based on themes of peace, non-violence, and harmony. Gandhi's favorite bhajans are sung at community gatherings. Cleanliness drives and sustainable initiatives like tree plantations follow his values. The sale of khadi products also witnessed an increase on this day. The celebrations remind people of Gandhi's struggles and inspire Indians to follow his path of truth and non-violence.

The Importance of Gandhi Jayanti

Gandhi Jayanti is an occasion of great importance and meaning for the citizens of India. It marks the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, an iconic leader who led the country's freedom movement based on ahimsa, or non-violence. The celebrations highlight the values and principles that Gandhi stood for - truth, peace, morality, ethics, communal harmony, and justice.

Gandhi Jayanti serves as an occasion to remember Bapu's invaluable contribution and sacrifices in India's struggle for independence. It was his philosophy of non-violence and satyagraha that inspired millions to join the freedom movement and shook the foundations of British imperialism. 

The observance of Gandhi Jayanti propagates his vision for a united India where all religions and communities live in tolerance and harmony. It reinforces the ideals of self-discipline, public service, and moral courage that Gandhi displayed throughout his own life. The day reminds Indians about the power of truth and righteousness to bring about positive change.

For the youth, Gandhi Jayanti carries a special message to shape their character and values. It inspires them to walk the path of ahimsa, uphold justice and ethics, and work for the progress of society. The celebrations keep alive the thoughts and principles of Mahatma Gandhi that continue to guide the nation.

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What is the Date and History of Gandhi Jayanti?

On 2nd October 1869, Mahatma Gandhi was born in Porbandar, Gujarat. He was instrumental in securing India's independence from British colonial rule, spearheading non-violent civil disobedience movements. His philosophies and ideals shook the foundations of the colonial establishment and inspired millions to join the nationalist movement. 

To honor the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Government of India instituted Gandhi Jayanti as a national holiday in 1948. Being a Gazetted holiday, all central and state government offices, banks, and public institutions remain shut. The United Nations also marks the day annually as International Day of Non-Violence.

Gandhi Jayanti is commemorated with immense passion and vigor across India. Special prayers are held in different parts of the country in remembrance of Gandhi's values and principles. Government offices, schools, and colleges organize various functions, cultural programs, competitions, etc. related to the life and message of Mahatma Gandhi. His favorite devotional songs, or bhajans, are sung in community gatherings.

The Significance of Gandhi Jayanti

Gandhi Jayanti holds a very special significance for India. It represents the ideals and values that Gandhi stood for - truth, non-violence, simplicity, communal harmony, and self-reliance. He led the country's freedom struggle based on these principles against the mighty British empire and inspired many other civil rights and anti-colonial movements across the globe.

For the people of India, Gandhi Jayanti serves as an occasion to remember Bapu's struggles and sacrifices in fighting against injustice and oppression. It reminds every Indian about the values of truth, peace, ethics, and communal amity. Gandhi showed that even the strongest empires could be opposed through mass civil disobedience based on ahimsa, or non-violence. 

The celebrations of Gandhi Jayanti propagate his vision for the country - his dream of an independent India with people from all religions, castes, and languages living in harmony. It reinforces the ideals of non-violence, tolerance, and righteous conduct.

Gandhi Jayanti is Celebrated in India

Prayer services and memorial ceremonies are held at Raj Ghat, Gandhi's cremation site in New Delhi, where dignitaries and common People pay floral tribute at his samadhi. Similar memorial prayers are also conducted in other parts of the country.

On Gandhi Jayanti, the President and Prime Minister of India, along with other prominent leaders, pay homage at Raj Ghat, New Delhi. A prayer meeting is held at Gandhi Smriti in New Delhi, where Bapu spent the last few months of his life. 

Special commemorative ceremonies are held in different states by their respective governments. School Children, NCC cadets, and others take part in essays, debates, and painting competitions on themes related to Gandhi's life, message, contributions, etc.

Cultural programs showcasing dance-drama or musical performances on Gandhi's ideals are held. His favorite bhajans (devotional songs) like 'Raghupati Raghava Rajaram', and 'Vaishnava Jana To' are sung at many events.

Cleanliness drives, sustainable living initiatives like tree plantations, blood donation camps, helping the poor, etc. are taken up following Gandhi's principles. Some institutions also carry out campus cleaning activities.

The Khadi and village industries, promoted by Gandhi to boost cottage industries and self-reliance are especially highlighted on this day. The sale of Khadi products usually witnesses an upsurge during Gandhi Jayanti.

Commemorative postage stamps on Gandhi were released. Special covers and souvenirs are brought out containing the thoughts and sayings of Mahatma Gandhi. All postal correspondence bears the Gandhi Jayanti commemorative seal that day.

Major landmarks and roads are adorned with flowers and garlands. Special exhibits, photo galleries, and films on Gandhi's life are showcased to the public. Television channels broadcast films and documentaries remembering his contributions.

Prayer meetings, cultural programs, and other commemorative activities are also held by Indian diaspora organizations abroad to mark Gandhi Jayanti. From the USA to Europe to Africa, the day is celebrated to promote Gandhi's message of peace and non-violence.

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Why Gandhi Jayanti is Significant for the Youth

For the youth of India, Gandhi Jayanti holds special importance because of the values it represents - ethical conduct, self-discipline, spirit of public service, simplicity, and humility. Gandhi led an entire mass movement based on truth and moral courage. Gandhi stirred the conscience of the youth and motivated them to participate in the freedom movement.

In current times, Gandhi's message is also very relevant to the younger generation. Gandhi's principles aid young people in self-reflection and building their character during their impressionable years. Gandhi showed how positive change can come through individual and collective efforts. He promoted moral values, justice, and the welfare of all sections - something today's youth can imbibe in life.

The celebrations of Gandhi Jayanti are therefore an opportunity for youngsters to learn about India's rich history and heritage, of which Gandhi is an icon. Gandhi's biography and role in the independence struggle help youngsters relate to that defining period in India's history. They can reflect upon and adapt his values of truth and righteous conduct in their own lives. It enables youth to step forward and work for community progress guided by Bapu's vision of ethics, peace, and harmony.

10 Lines Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

  1. Mahatma Gandhi was one of the most influential leaders in India's freedom struggle. Gandhi's seminal and groundbreaking role earned him the honorific title Father of the Nation.
  2. Pioneering the ideology of Satyagraha, Gandhi adopted non-violent civil disobedience to resist British colonial rule. His use of peaceful methods inspired millions.
  3. He valued truth, ethics, and simplicity. He fought social evils like untouchability and promoted communal harmony. 
  4. Gandhi led nationwide campaigns like Non-cooperation, Dandi March, and Quit India which eventually led to India's independence in 1947.
  5. He inspired other global civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. with his non-violent methods. 
  6. Gandhi Jayanti, celebrated annually on 2nd October, marks the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. It honors his ideals of peace and sacrifice.
  7. Gandhi was an intrepid advocate for liberty, egalitarianism, and righteousness. His principles of truth and non-violence remain relevant worldwide.
  8. Gandhi showed the power of the common man through satyagraha. His courage and wisdom will forever remain in our hearts.
  9. His vision of communal amity and self-reliance continues to inspire Indians. The nation pays tribute to this Mahatma, a true icon of peace.
  10. Gandhi's vision for India was that of communal harmony, tolerance, and overall development of all communities. His ideals provide a moral foundation for Indians even today.


Gandhi Jayanti is an important occasion to commemorate one of India's greatest leaders, who led the country's freedom movement based on ahimsa. It serves to spread the message of truth, non-violence, morality, and communal harmony as professed by Mahatma Gandhi through his own life example.

The principles of Satyagraha promoted by Gandhi shook the foundations of British imperialism and proved that people's resolve and willpower can overcome any tyranny. Gandhi Jayanti spreads the ideals of justice, ethics, simplicity, and self-reliance that remain deeply relevant even today. 

The celebrations inspire people, especially the youth, to imbibe Gandhi's values, follow the path of non-violence, and work for the unity and progress of society. Gandhi showed endless faith in the inherent goodness of human beings, which transformed not only India but the whole world. His lasting legacy continues to motivate millions and will keep guiding future generations.


When is Gandhi Jayanti celebrated?

Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated annually on October 2nd to mark the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. It is a gazetted national holiday in India. 

How is Gandhi Jayanti celebrated?

Gandhi Jayanti celebrations include prayer services, memorial ceremonies at Raj Ghat, cultural events, commemorative functions in schools and offices, Bapu's favorite bhajan recitals, khadi promotion events, cleanliness drives, etc. Politicians and leaders pay homage at Gandhi memorials across India. 

What is the significance of Gandhi Jayanti? 

The significance of Gandhi Jayanti is to remind every Indian about Gandhi's non-violent freedom struggle and his vision for a just and tolerant society. It reinforces Bapu's ideals of peace, ethics, and communal harmony. The day inspires people, especially youth, to follow Gandhi's principles.

Why is Gandhi Jayanti a national holiday?

Gandhi Jayanti is a national holiday in India to honor Mahatma Gandhi's happy birthday and contribution as the Father of the Nation. It commemorates his ideas and sacrifices, which shaped India's destiny. The day reflects upon Bapu's principles of truth, and non-violence which hold national importance.

Where is Gandhi Ashram?

Gandhi Ashram is in Ahmadabad, a city in Gujarat state. 

Who is referred to as ‘Bapu’ in India?

Mahatma Gandhi is referred to as ‘Bapu’ in India.

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