Top 40 Friendship Day Wishes and Quotes for Best Friends Forever

1. A good friend disagrees with confidence but proves his loyalty in the presence of enemies.

2. Friends are like living and breathing insurance policies. It may be better to have a few good policies than many policies with low coverage and high deductibles.

3. A wise friend must decide between a harsh truth or a sweet lie to minimize damage.

4. You may gain the sympathy of many, but only a true friend can provide empathy.

5. Offended ex-friends make the fiercest of enemies. Go to your friend, make peace, and be reconciled lest you be destroyed by your hatred.

6. Friends are as necessary as food, water, or shelter. They serve as energy boosters, thirst quenchers, and protective shelters.

7. Facades are transparent when in the close inspection of a good friend.

8. A friend is someone you can impress just by being yourself, but you’ll probably offend if you act like someone else.

9. Friendships grow much like a mighty oak tree. They are slow in growth, but extremely strong when fully mature.

10. Family members are just good friends who don’t always act friendly.

11. Friends should not become business partners for the sake of the friendship, but business partners should become friends for the sake of the business.

12. No one can ever explain why French fries go well with a hamburger, nor can anyone explain why most friends go together.

13. The earth would be lonely without its close friend the moon.

14. Friendships are strong shelters supported by patience and reinforced by shared interests.

15. Friends teach you the lessons that your parents and teachers cannot.

16. There’s no replacement for the friendships of childhood.

17. Friendship is simply, innocently, and genuinely expressed love.

18. A good friend knows you and understands you better than yourself.

19. Friends may act like enemies in private but are always strong allies in public.

20. Encouraging words spoken by a friend are more valuable than gold.

21. No one can be more honest than a genuine friend without making you angry.

22. Friends talk about each other behind each other’s back, but they do so in a positive way.

23. The nature of words spoken behind the back of a friend has the potential to edify or destroy.

24. An honest friend who speaks harsh words is better than an enemy who flatters.

25. A best friend is someone who knows the song of your heart and will sing it back to you if you ever forget the words.

26. Nothing on earth is more valuable than true friendship. Happy Friendship Day!

27. You reach a point in life where you finally realize who really matters to you, who never did in the first place and who always will.

28. Friendship is the greatest gift that life has to offer, and I am lucky enough to have received it.

29. Friendship is a little more trust, A little less try, A little more laugh, And a little less cry, A little more We and a little less I.

30. Happy birthday my dear friend, may the bright colors paint your life and you be happy forever. Stay blessed.

31. I am grateful for your true friendship. I hope your birthday is amazing as you are my best friend!

32. Friendship is a perfect gift in life; it’s where we share our gain and pain in life, thanks for always there for me.

33. A true friend will always understand you better, when you are down and when you are at your best. Thank you for being that friend.

34. When I first met you, I didn’t think our friendship would work out. We have grown to be one of the best friends ever.

35. Thank you for touching my life in ways that you may never know. You are a precious gift sent from God.

36. Friendship is not how long you have been together, but how you value each other.

37. When I look at you, I see an understanding and reliable friend. This makes you a true friend.

38. A smile from a friend warms the heart like a mother’s chicken soup and heals the body like a perfect medicine.

39. Friends can get away with offensive and enraging dialogue as long as it is done with a smile.

40. Honest feedback from a friend pierces pride and informs the ignorant.

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