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Know the Which God to Worship for Skin Diseases

Skin diseases and conditions can be frustrating, painful, and debilitating. When conventional treatments don't seem to help, many people turn to faith and worship for healing. But with so many gods and deities to choose from, how do you know which one to pray to for relief from skin conditions? Here’s an overview of some of the top gods associated with healing skin diseases when worshiped with genuine devotion.

Surya - The Hindu Sun God

In Hinduism, Surya is the sun god who possesses healing powers. He is believed to provide vital energy and health. Surya has the ability to cure diseases, especially skin conditions like leprosy, rashes, and fungal infections. Devotees often pray to Surya at sunrise, chanting mantras like the Gayatri Mantra and the Surya Mantra. They offer water, flowers, rice, and incense to him. Many also fast on Sundays to please Surya and gain his healing grace. So for skin problems that involve inflammation, redness, or irritation, worshiping Surya can be greatly beneficial.

Saraswati - Goddess of Learning and the Arts

Saraswati is another Hindu goddess who can help with skin troubles. As the goddess of music, knowledge, language, and the arts, her powers also extend to medical science. Devotees believe Saraswati imparts wisdom and skills to healers which help them treat skin conditions. Her intelligent guidance can lead to new discoveries of effective ointments, medicines, and procedures.

Those suffering from skin ailments often pray to Saraswati for direction to find the right healer or dermatologist. They may also request her to grant creative insights to scientists to develop better skin treatments. So whether you need a quick solution for acne or eczema, or a long-term cure for psoriasis, Saraswati can guide you or the experts. Devotees sing hymns and bhajans to Saraswati and offer her white flowers, fruits, sweets, and honey.

Shitala Mata - Hindu Goddess of Smallpox and Infectious Diseases

In the Hindu pantheon, Shitala Mata or Shitala Devi is the goddess who has dominion over poxes, sores, and pustular eruptions of the skin. She both inflicts and cures diseases like smallpox, chicken pox, measles, and fungal infections. Devotees pray to Shitala Mata when they or loved ones contract these contagious skin conditions, asking the goddess for calmness and recovery. They offer cooling foods like yogurt, milk, and neem leaves. Chanting Shitala Mata’s 108 names and painting smallpox spots with sandalwood paste or vermillion on one’s body are also common acts of devotion.

Per No Shen - Albanian God of Skin Ailments

In the mythology of the ancient Balkans region, Per No Shen was the Albanian god of skin diseases and healing. Local villagers prayed to Per No Shen for relief from irritating skin conditions like eczema, ulcers, acne, and mycosis. If their prayer was fulfilled, they would show gratitude by sacrificing a goat at the god’s temple. People suffering from chronic skin problems would sometimes sleep overnight at Per No Shen’s temple to receive his divine cure. So for any unusual skin affliction that hasn’t responded well to medical intervention, Per No Shen is a deity worth propitiating.

Nanauatzin - Aztec God of Skin Lesions and Fevers 

According to Aztec legends, Nanauatzin was a mortal who sacrificed himself to become the sun god and was reborn as two major deities - Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl. As the god who endured fiery agony to light up the cosmos, devotees would pray to him for relief from skin lesions with burning pain and scarring, like those caused by smallpox. His blessings could also cure skin rashes accompanied by hot fevers. Ceremonial worship of Nanauatzin involved priests adorning themselves with his symbols while making offerings of incense and flowers. So when your skin is metaphorically burning, you may find soothing comfort by propitiating this Aztec deity.

Babalu Aye - Orisha of Skin Conditions

In the Yoruba religion originating in Africa, Babalu Aye is the Orisha considered the deity of skin diseases like smallpox, leprosy, and eczema. Devotees pray to him for healing of skin conditions as well as epidemics. Worship rituals to please Babalu Aye include dancing, drumming, spraying rum, and making offerings of purple flowers or candles. Chanting his praise names is also believed to help cure skin diseases. So people suffering from mysterious rashes, chronic hives, psoriasis, or vitiligo often turn to this Orisha for divine relief when medicine fails.

Lono - Hawaiian God of Healing and Fertility

In Hawaii’s native mythology, the god Lono guards over healing and medicine. Often considered a god of peace and fertility, he was also venerated as a curer of skin afflictions who could cleanse the land of disease. Ancient Hawaiian priests would pray to Lono with offerings and chants, asking for his divine power to heal skin lesions and sores affecting the populace. Devotees seeking his blessings to cure skin problems would bathe in springs considered sacred to Lono while reciting special prayers. Even today, many islanders pray to Lono for relief from ailments like eczema, psoriasis, and undiagnosed rashes.

Shai - Egyptian Goddess of Destiny and Skin Conditions

Lesser known than the major Egyptian deities, Shai was an ancient goddess who governed destiny and controlled skin diseases. The Egyptians believed Shai determined a person’s fortune at birth, including whether they would suffer from skin problems like eczema or boils. The goddess Shai was worshipped together with Renenutet, the cobra deity who cured skin conditions. Devotees would pray to Shai for her divine influence on their destiny and freedom from skin ailments. So people battling chronic skin conditions or unusual dermatitis often turn to Shai praying she will reverse their fate and grant healthy skin.

Auxo - Greek Goddess of Health and Healing 

In ancient Greek tradition, Auxo was the minor goddess or daimon of health and wellness. As the divine embodiment of growth and thriving, she had powers to cure diseases and heal wounded bodies back to health. This included healing skin problems like infections, lesions, and growths. Worship rituals for Auxo involved making offerings of food, flowers, and honey while reciting prayers for health and rejuvenation. Devotees suffering from skin conditions may pray to Auxo for soothing relief and recovery. Her blessings are believed to help clear away disfiguring rashes, sores, and dermatitis.  

Domestic Worship for Skin Relief

While major deities are propitiated for healing skin conditions, domestic ancestral gods can also be worshipped. In many folk religious traditions across the world, household gods and guardian spirits are prayed to for relief from skin problems. 

Examples include the Lares of ancient Roman households, the Ambua spirit of the Hindu home, the Hahay of the Philippines, and the Hearth deities of traditional Slavic culture. People often pray to these domestic deities to spare the family from smallpox, measles, and unsightly skin infections. Offerings of candles, incense, flowers, and sweets are made while chanting the god’s traditional mantras for protection.

So while medical science grapples for answers, faith in the metaphysical dimension provides solace. The next time you deal with an inexplicable skin condition, explore which of these deities resonates most. Their divine grace could relieve symptoms and restore healthy glowing skin when medicine fails. But remember - true devotion rather than greed is the key to miracles.


Skin diseases can be extremely difficult to treat, especially when conventional medicine fails to provide relief. In these frustrating situations, devotion and faith in a higher power can provide comfort and hope. Throughout history and across many cultures, people have turned to gods and goddesses linked to healing skin conditions. With genuine worship and offerings, devotees believe the divine blessings of these deities can clear up even the most persistent dermatologic issues. So if modern medicine lets you down, open your heart to the ancient mystical solutions for healthy skin. Faith and divine grace still perform miracles today.


Which Hindu god is most beneficial for skin diseases?

In Hinduism, Surya the sun god is believed to provide healing for skin diseases like rashes and fungal infections. Goddess Saraswati can also guide healers to effective medical treatments.

What should I offer the goddess Shitala Mata for skin disease relief? 

Devotees of Shitala Mata traditionally offer cooling foods like yogurt along with prayers and chanting to please her. Vermillion, sandalwood, and neem leaves are also suitable offerings.

How do I pray to the Orisha Babalu Aye for eczema help?

Prayers involving chanting Babalu Aye's praise names, drumming, dancing, spraying rum, and giving purple flowers or candles are traditionally used to petition him for eczema and skin disease aid.

Does traditional Hawaiian worship help skin conditions?

Yes, ancient Hawaiians prayed and made offerings to the god Lono, seeking his healing powers for skin sores and lesions affecting the people. 

Can I pray to my ancestral spirits instead of major deities?

Yes, many folk religions involve praying to domestic gods or ancestral guardians for protection and relief from skin diseases affecting the family. This is an accessible alternative to propitiating major gods.


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