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When is the Shubh Muhurat to start preparing for the UPSC?

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts India's most prestigious and toughest exam - the Civil Services Exam (CSE) to recruit candidates for the country's Civil Services including IAS, IPS, IFS, etc. It is the dream of many aspiring youngsters to crack the CSE and become civil servants. However, the competition is intense with over 10 lakh candidates appearing every year for just around 1000 vacancies. Proper and timely preparation is vital for this exam. 


In Indian culture, the concept of an auspicious time or "Shubh Muhurat" is very important when starting something new. People believe starting something at an auspicious moment as per ancient Indian scriptures leads to success. So when is the best time as per the Hindu calendar to start preparing for this mighty exam that can make or break careers? We find out below:

The Preparation Game of 3-4 years

Firstly, the CSE preparation cannot be done overnight. A good 3-4 years of dedicated preparation encompassing the graduation years is ideal. Attempting this exam requires vast and in-depth knowledge of a wide range of topics from history, politics, environment, economy, science, and technology along with excellent analytical and logical skills. Therefore, most experts advise starting early during graduation.

The IAS Preparation - Choice of Graduation Stream

The graduation stream one opts for also matters when it comes to IAS preparation. Humanities or Social Sciences like Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration, History, Geography, Economics, etc. are easier to combine with CSE prep as there is some overlap in the syllabus. Students of these subjects can utilize their 3 years of grad to build strong fundamentals across these topics required for prelims and mains exams. 

Science graduates and engineering students, need to put extra effort into gaining knowledge about India's history, polity, economy, and other humanities subjects from scratch by referring to the standard books and sources recommended by toppers. So deciding the graduation subject wisely can make or mar the prep considerably.

Also Read: Ensure a Rewarding Education in Life with the Guidance of Astrology

Auspicious Dates as per Hindu Calendar 

As per Hindu scriptures, there are three most auspicious dates to start education or anything related to knowledge gain. These dates are believed to bestow success upon students as Goddess Saraswati's blessing shines maximum on these days.

  1. Basant Panchmi Day - Usually falls in January/February as per Gregorian calendar. The 5th day of Magha month is as per the Hindu calendar. This day marks the start of the spring season and is dedicated to Goddess Saraswati - the deity of knowledge, arts, and music.
  2. Akshaya Tritiya Day - Falls in April/May. 3rd day of the Bright half of Vaishakh month as per the Hindu calendar. Considered very auspicious to start new ventures.
  3. Vijayadashmi Day - Celebrated as the Dussehra festival across India in September/October each year. 10th day of Ashwin month of the Hindu calendar. The day Lord Rama defeated Ravana signifying victory of good over evil. Starting learning on this day brings great success as per scriptures. 

The above 3 dates as per Hindu calendar months are perfect for Shubh Muhurat to commence IAS or CSE preparation for the first time. We will see how in more detail:

Basant Panchmi Day: Ideal for Class 11-12 Students

Students who have appeared for Class 10 board exams generally opt for science, humanities, or commerce streams in 11-12th grade. This is the right time when Goddess Saraswati can bless them with wisdom as they enter a crucial stage before higher education. Those wanting to appear for CSE later should choose the humanities group in 11-12th and on Basant Panchmi pray to Maa Saraswati seeking her guidance to prepare well from this stage onwards.

If not feasible to choose humanities, students can still pray to the Goddess on this day asking for aptitude, focus, and intellect to put extra effort required from a science background to crack CSE later after 12th. The divine blessing from the Goddess of wisdom if sought on this day will aid them hugely in future exam prep.

Akshaya Tritiya Day: Best for Graduation 1st/2nd Year Students 

Akshaya Tritiya as mentioned above is considered the luckiest day to commence any new venture. For those pursuing graduation, it would be an auspicious Shubh Muhurat to plant the seed of CSE prep on this day. 

Starting IAS preparation needs firm resolution, planning of resources, fixing targets, and berthing a ship to sail for the long term. Akshaya Tritiya is the best day as per Hindu scriptures where your determination and hard work are believed to bear fruition leading you to success in this exam. 

Students in 1st or 2nd year of a degree course should observe fast on Akshaya Tritiya day, devote themselves to studies with full vigor from this day, and seek the Lord's and parents' blessings to excel in their studies and move steadily towards the goal of becoming an IAS officer in future. The Shubh Muhurat of Akshaya Tritiya will ensure their efforts get multiplied manifold.

Vijayadashmi Day: Excellent for Graduation Final Year Students

Vijayadashmi also known as Dussehra carries a lot of significance in Hindu mythology. It was on this day that Lord Rama defeated the evil Ravana after a huge battle thereby establishing the dominance of good over bad elements. This Shubh parva reminds us that eventually hard work, dedication, and patience win over all difficulties.

The exam preparations test the determination and focus. To succeed not just in CSE but any exam, staying steadfast in your efforts like Lord Rama focused single-mindedly to rescue Sita from Lanka without wavering is key. What better day than Dussehra for graduation final year students to take inspiration from Lord Rama and kickstart the CSE revision exercise in full swing so that they pass this exam battle with flying colors?

On Dussehra, students who have completed the graduation syllabus should observe fast, meditate calmly, seek their beloved God & parent's blessings, and take Sankalp to put their best foot forward leaving no stone unturned through the last few, most crucial months towards realizing their IAS dream when the actual exam arrives. The divine grace assured on Vijayadashmi will empower them immensely in accomplishing the uphill task with honor.

Optimal Utilization of the Shubh Muhurat Blessings

However, just observing fast or puja on the above auspicious dates is not enough. Saraswati's blessings need to be backed by rigorous hard work from your side on a sustained basis thereafter. Plan smartly dividing targets across subjects consistently in the 3-4 year period.

Stay in touch with current affairs daily through newspapers, quality magazines, and news websites. Revise thoroughly before prelims ensuring no topic is left untouched so that selection happens smoothly. 

Therefore, while starting IAS preparation on the Shubh Muhurat days could be highly beneficial, putting diligent efforts from your end post is equally essential to leveraging the divine grace bestowed upon you. Maintaining self-control, practicing daily with a hundred percent conviction, and avoiding distraction or discouragement at any stage are key.

There may be ups and downs but ultimately the commitment to keep walking steadily on the chosen path without break or languor is what the Hindu Dharmic texts preach as a way forward to grab success. So let the divine blessings simply act as morale boosters to spur you forward positively without altering the hard work applied through the length and breadth of the journey!

To summarize, as per Hindu Scripture, below are the 3 best Shubh Muhurats or auspicious timings based on relevance to start CSE preparation for the first time:

  1. Basant Panchmi Day (January/Feb) - Ideal for Class 11-12 Students 
  2. Akshaya Tritiya Day (April/May) - Suited for 1st/2nd-year Graduation students
  3. Vijayadashmi Day (Oct) - Suitable for Final Year Graduation students 

Remember - Divine blessings just supplement your honest efforts, not substitute them. So roll up your sleeves, get cracking right away regardless of timeframe with full steam, and let the Lord's grace take you speedily to your destination successfully!

All the Best! May you achieve the administrative service position soon fulfilling aspirations of self and family!


What is the significance of Shubh Muhurat as per Hindu scripts? 

Shubh Muhurat refers to an auspicious date and time as per the Hindu calendar to start something new. Hindu texts prescribe certain lunar days and solar dates as being most favorable to begin new ventures as celestial signs are optimally aligned.

Why is Basant Panchami considered best for Class 11-12 students for IAS prep?

Basant Panchami marks the arrival of spring season and is dedicated to Goddess Saraswati who blesses new students to gain knowledge. Those entering 11-12th grade choose subjects that need her guidance to opt wisely for future exams like IAS.

What makes Akshaya Tritiya the ultimate Shubh Muhurat? 

Akshaya Tritiya is believed as the luckiest day as per the Hindu calendar to commence any new work. Starting IAS prep on this day is believed to multiply efforts and bring immense success later in the exam.  

How can final-year Graduation students leverage Vijayadashmi?

Vijayadashmi signifies the victory of good over evil after struggle, an essential trait to clear tough exams. Final-year students starting revision on this day can gain the requisite inspiration, patience, and tireless spirit to put best efforts.

Is it fine to simply pray on the auspicious dates and not study hard after?

No. Shubh Muhurat blessings need to combine with rigorous, diligent hard work done consistently thereafter. Divine grace just aids success but self-effort remains paramount.

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