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Mastering Facebook Ad Placements: The Complete Guide

Facebook advertising allows businesses to reach specific audiences and drive desired actions, like website clicks, conversions, and more. With over 3 billion monthly active users, Facebook's advertising platform is highly attractive to marketers. However, success with Facebook ads depends largely on choosing the right placements. 


In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Facebook ad placements, including:

  • An Overview of Facebook Ad Placements
  • Types of Ad Placements on Facebook
  • How to Choose the Right Facebook Ad Placements
  • Tips for Optimizing Ad Placements on Facebook
  • Common Mistakes to Avoid with Facebook Ad Placements

An Overview of Facebook Ad Placements

Facebook ad placements refer to where your ads appear on Facebook's platform. There are various placement options to choose from when setting up a Facebook ad campaign. Where you place your ads can significantly impact their visibility, click-through rate, and overall performance.  

Understanding the different ad placements available and how to select the right ones based on your campaign goals and target audience is crucial for Facebook advertising success. Keep reading as we explore the ins and outs of Facebook ad placements and how to use them effectively.

Types of Ad Placements on Facebook

Facebook offers advertisers a wide range of options when it comes to choosing where to place ads. Here are the main types of ad placements available on Facebook:

  • News Feed - Appears in the middle of the News Feed on desktop and mobile. One of the most popular placements.
  • Instagram Feed - Appears in Instagram feeds. Great for reaching Instagram's audience. 
  • Stories - Appear as video or display ads in Facebook and Instagram Stories.
  • Marketplace - Ads on the Facebook Marketplace. Ideal for e-commerce brands.
  • Right Column - Ads that appear in the right column of Facebook on the desktop. 
  • Instant Articles - Ads in Instant Articles viewed on mobile.
  • In-Stream Video - Video ads that play before, during, or after other videos on Facebook.
  • Suggested Videos - Video ads that appear in the suggested videos module on Facebook Watch. 
  • Messenger - Ads that appear as messages in Messenger conversations.
  • Audience Network - Ads that appear on third-party apps/sites in the Audience Network.

As you can see, Facebook offers a diverse range of placement options. Each serves a different purpose and has its own unique audience and use cases.

How to Choose the Right Facebook Ad Placements

The key to success with Facebook ads is matching placements with your campaign objectives and target audience. Here are some tips for selecting optimal placements:

  • Consider your goals - Promoting engagement? Seek News Feed. Driving conversions? Try Right Column ads.
  • Identify your audience - Determine where your audience spends time on Facebook and place ads accordingly.
  • Test different placements - Experiment with different options and see what performs best.
  • Use multiple placements - Use a combination of placements to maximize exposure.
  • Analyze results - Review placements performance data and refine based on what's working.
  • Follow placement guidelines - Adhere to Facebook's policies on ad content for each placement.

Thinking through your specific marketing goals, target users, and results data will enable you to determine which placements are right for each Facebook ad campaign. 

Tips for Optimizing Ad Placements on Facebook 

Beyond selecting the appropriate placements, there are several best practices you can follow to further optimize the performance of your Facebook ad placements:

  • Use detailed targeting - Target ads to relevant interests, behaviors, and demographics.
  • Set schedules - Run ads during peak user times based on audience time zones.  
  • Test ad formats - Try different ad types like single image, carousel, and video. 
  • Utilize placements in tandem - Combine News Feed and Right Column ads for a "surround sound" effect.
  • Monitor frequency caps - Adjust caps to avoid overexposing users to your ads.
  • Review metrics regularly - Check CPC, CTR, reach, and conversions to identify top placements.
  • Be flexible - Don't get stuck using the same placements; adjust based on performance.

Taking the time to test and refine your ad placements, formats, targeting, schedules, and other settings will help boost your Facebook Ads performance over time.

Common Mistakes to Avoid with Facebook Ad Placements

While Facebook ad placements provide amazing targeting flexibility, they can be easy to misuse. Be sure to avoid these common Facebook ad placement mistakes:

  • Not testing different placements - You won't know what works best if you don't experiment.
  • Focusing on the wrong objective - Don't just chase vanity metrics like views or likes.
  • Using too broad of targeting - Failures often result from targeting too broad an audience.
  • Having unrealistic expectations - Understand that testing and optimization take time to perfect.
  • Overlooking analytics - Don't place ads without regularly reviewing the data and analytics. 
  • Getting distracted by new options - Stick with proven placements that work for your goals.
  • Not diversifying placements - Relying too much on one placement can limit results.

Avoiding these pitfalls will position you for much greater success with Facebook ad placements.

The Right Ad Placements Are Key to Facebook Ads Success

As you can see, dialing in the right Facebook ad placements has a big impact on your advertising results. Match placements to campaign goals and target audience, regularly test options, follow Facebook policies, monitor metrics, and keep honing your approach. With these Facebook ad placement best practices, you can get the most value from your ad spend on one of the world's most powerful advertising platforms.


Facebook's wide range of ad placements presents great opportunities for marketers, but can also pose challenges in selecting the right options. The key is to thoroughly understand your audiences, campaign goals, and results data - and let those guide your placement choices. Don't rely on a single placement, be flexible, and keep optimizing based on performance. With strategic placement selection and ongoing refinement, Facebook ads can deliver outstanding reach, engagement, and conversions. Taking the time to test placements, target carefully, and analyze metrics will help unlock the full potential of Facebook advertising.


What are the most popular Facebook ad placements?

The most popular Facebook ad placements are News Feed, Instagram Feed, Stories, and the Facebook Right Column. News Feed and Instagram Feed tend to have the widest reach.

How do I choose between feed or story placements?

Look at your campaign objective. Feeds are better for driving traffic and conversions. Stories are more immersive for building awareness and engagement. Test both to see which performs best.

What placement is best for driving website clicks?

The Right Column on the desktop has proven very effective for driving website clicks. The prominent position entices people to click. Combine with News Feed for maximum exposure.

Should I use Instagram Feed ads for an e-commerce brand?

Yes, Instagram Feed ads are a smart choice to showcase products visually and drive traffic to your online store. The audience on Instagram is highly engaged with brands.

How many ad placements should I test at once?

Start with 2-3 placements at a time. Test News Feed plus one other complementary placement. Compare results and tweak your ad mix over time. Too many variables can complicate analysis.

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