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Know the Astrological Remedies for Mangal Dosha In Your Kundli

Mangal Dosha, also known as Kuja Dosha or Angaraka Dosha, is an astrological combination that occurs when Mars occupies the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house in a person's birth chart. This planetary position is considered inauspicious in Vedic Astrology as it is believed to cause challenges in marriage, health, and overall well-being. However, there are various remedies prescribed in ancient scriptures that can help nullify or reduce the ill effects of Mangal Dosha.


In this blog post, we dive deep into what mangal dosha means, its different types, and most importantly - the different remedies one can perform to pacify the negative impact of mangal dosha in the kundli or birth chart.

What is Mangal Dosha?

In Vedic Astrology, planets that own destructive houses such as the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th houses should not occupy these houses in one's birth chart. When Mars occupies any of these houses, it leads to Kuja Dosha or Mangalik Dosha. 

The presence of Kuja or Mangal Dosha in a birth chart is believed to create problems related to health, longevity, finances, marital harmony, and temperament. It is even believed to lead to the untimely death of one's life partner. Hence, Manglik Dosha has been a major factor in compatibility matching before Hindu marriages in India since ancient times.

However, with the right astrological remedies, it is possible to appease Mars and reduce the negative impacts to lead a healthy, happy, and prosperous life.

Types of Mangal Dosha

There are various types of Mangal Dosha based on the houses occupied by Mars in one's kundli. Let's look at them in detail:

Anukul Mangal Dosha - When Mars is placed in the 4th house in Aries, Scorpio, or Capricorn sign, or in the 12th house in Cancer sign. This dosha is considered less harmful.

Yuti Mangal Dosha - When Mars conjoins Saturn, Sun, Rahu, or Ketu in any house between the 1st to 7th houses. This dosha does not require any remedies.

Swakshetri Mangal Dosha - When Mars occupies Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn, or Pisces houses in the Kundli. Its negative effects are less pronounced.  

Char Mangal Dosha - When Mars occupies the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house in the Cancer sign (Mool Trikon sign) leading to severe dosha.

Rashi Mangal Dosha - The placement of Mars in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th houses is Rashi Based on Mangal Dosha.

Uccha Mangal Dosha - An exalted Mars placed in houses causing the dosha to lead to severe negative effects.

Remedies for Mangal Dosha

Here are some of the most powerful and proven astrological remedies or pariharas prescribed for different intensities of mangal dosha in Vedic scriptures:

  1. Vedic Mantra Chanting: The simplest yet highly potent remedy is to chant Beej Mantras or seed vowel mantras for Mars such as Aum kram kreem kroum sah bhaumaya namah. Chanting it 108 times daily can help reduce anger issues and pacify the negative effects over time.
  2. Fasting: Observing a fast on Tuesdays by avoiding eating cereals and sweets is an age-old practice for those with Mangal Dosha. You may also donate red lentils (masoor dal) on this day.
  3. Temple Visit and Pujas: Worshipping Lord Hanuman and Lord Subramanya and performing pujas in renowned temples like the Kalahasti Temple near Tirupati can bestow remedies from mangal dosha. Kumbhabhishekam, Archana, and Abishekam pujas appease Mars. 
  4. Gemstones: Wearing an unheated Red Coral or Moonga gemstone that suits you astrologically is an excellent remedy for mangal dosha. It strengthens Mars by absorbing its negative vibrations. diamond and emeralds also provide relief.
  5. Yantra: The use of Bhoom Mangal Yantra representing Mars deity made of copper or gold and kept at puja place or worn helps remedy Mangal Dosha.
  6. Ancestral Puja and Daan: Performing Shraddh and Pind Daan rituals for departed ancestors and donating food and basic items to the underprivileged also helps mollify Kuja.
  7. Name Change: Changing one's name spelling to include extra syllables or alphabets representing Mars such as ‘Ku’ or ‘Anga’ as per name astrology if the dosha is severe. It creates a powerful vibration each time the name is written, spoken, or heard.
  8. Color Therapy: Wearing red clothes, using a red handkerchief, and surrounding yourself with red color aids in reducing the influence of Mars. Red is the color of Lord Hanuman.

Specific Remedies for Different Mangal Dosha Positions

Apart from the above general remedies, certain specific remedies are also suggested basis the placement or type of mangal dosha occurring in the birth chart:

  • If Mars is in the 1st house - perform Abhishekam for Lord Subramanya. Chant Mangal Stotrams. 
  • If in the 2nd house - chant Kuja Beej Mantra daily and feed young girls with your own hands.
  • If in the 4th house - pour ghee into the fire on Tuesdays. Also, donate Masoor dal and land to a poor person.  
  • If in the 7th house - the boy must feed 4 dogs for 45 days before his marriage to pacify kuja dosha.
  • If in the 8th house - donate red clothes and copper vessels. Recite Hanuman Chalisa daily.
  • If in the 12th house - donate red sandalwood to workers and the needy. Worship the Banyan tree by watering it.


The presence of Mangal Dosha in one’s birth chart need not discourage or worry if effective remedial measures are undertaken over time. Besides remedies, evaluating the total horoscope and the interaction of other planets can clearly determine if the negative effects will actually manifest or not.

With sincere prayers, mantra chanting, gemstones, and color therapy - the malefic impacts of Mars get alleviated allowing one to lead a trouble-free life. Furthermore, virtues like patience, kindness, and spirituality also aid in handling life’s challenges posed by a dosha positively.

So know your kundli, assess if at all and what type of mangal dosha exists, and take up suitable remedies for lasting peace and prosperity in life.

I hope this detailed post on causes, analysis, and different remedies for Mangal Dosha in Vedic Astrology helps you understand and address it effectively through a balanced approach. Do share your feedback in the comments.


What is the best remedy for Mangal Dosha?

Some of the best remedies include chanting Mars mantras, fasting on Tuesdays, donating red lentils and other items, wearing red coral gemstones, and performing pujas and ancestral rituals. However, the most suitable remedy depends on the specific house Mars occupies and the overall horoscope.

How soon do the remedies show effect for Mangal Dosha?

The remedies typically take some time to mitigate the negative effects. Simple remedies like mantra chanting may show results within 40 days. However, wearing gemstones and performing elaborate rituals for a longer duration such as 6 months to a year can nullify the dosha impact completely.

What happens if Mangal Dosha is ignored and not remedied? 

Ignoring Mangal Dosha and not performing any rectification remedies can lead to marital disharmony, frequent fights and aggression, health issues related to blood pressure and skin, obstacles in important endeavors of life, and in extreme cases, danger to one's life or partner’s life.

Can Mangal Dosha be fully removed from the birth chart through remedies?

While the powerful and disciplined practice of remedies helps in cooling down Mars significantly, the possibility of removal of Mangal Dosha from the birth chart or kundli depends on its intensity in the specific horoscope. For some, it may get fully neutralized while for others, its effect can simply get reduced to a great extent where it does not impact life negatively.

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