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Highly Effective Astrological Best Remedies for Eye Problems

The eyes are one of the most vital sensory organs, allowing us to see and perceive the world around us. However, various eye problems can develop over time, ranging from refractive errors like nearsightedness and farsightedness to conditions like cataracts and glaucoma. While medical treatments are often necessary, Astrology provides complementary remedies that can promote eye health and healing. In this blog post, we will explore the astrological basis of eye disease and highly effective remedies based on your sun sign and key planets.


Astrological Understanding of Eye Disease

In Astrology, the eyes and vision are connected to the Sun and Moon. The Sun represents our external sight and perception, while the Moon rules over internal vision and intuition. Problems can arise when these celestial bodies are weak or afflicted in the natal chart. 

The signs most vulnerable to eye trouble are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius which are ruled by the fiery Sun. When the Sun is placed in dusty, dry, or fiery signs, the result can be strain, reddening, irritation, and over-dryness in the eyes. Combustion of the Sun can also lead to eye burnout.

The Moon, which represents the mind, emotions, and bodily fluids, is linked to disorders like cataracts, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light. Afflictions to the Moon by malefic planets or signs like Scorpio can manifest as retinal issues and loss of eyesight. The watery signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces tend to be more prone to watery eye conditions triggered by the Moon.

Understanding these astrological interconnections allows us to target remedies and healing modalities according to the underlying energetics indicated in our natal chart. Let's explore some of the most effective solutions for boosting eye health for each of the 12 zodiac signs.

Solar Remedies for Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Fire signs tend to suffer from dryness and burning sensations in the eyes due to an overactive Sun. Solar remedies aim to calm Pitta dosha, reduce hot energies, and nourish the ocular tissues.

Aries: As a Mars-ruled sign, Aries natives can utilize coral gemstones to pacify the Sun's fiery influence. Wearing a pendant or bracelet with coral can relieve strained eyes. Rosewater eye washes also help reduce dryness and reddening. Generous use of ghee, a cooling Ayurvedic oil, in the diet balances Pitta.

Leo: Leos benefit greatly from purified gold or golden-hued gemstones like yellow sapphire and golden topaz. These solar gems relay the Sun's healing rays and are cooling and soothing for the eyes. Placing two drops of ghee or castor oil nightly in the eyes lubricates, replenishes, and strengthens vision over time. Offer gratitude to the Sun daily.

Sagittarius: As a mutable fire sign, Sagittarians need extra ocular protection from the Sun's flames. Rubies worn as jewelry or in water can counter the Sun's harshness. Regular eye washes using Triphala tea relieve bloodshot, irritated eyes. Limiting acidic, oily, and spicy foods curbs Pitta aggravation. Uplifting solar mantras boost positive solar energies.

Lunar Remedies for Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) 

Water signs are susceptible to imbalances of the Moon causing fluid retention, swelling, and blurred vision issues. Lunar remedies focus on nourishing the watery tissues, enhancing clarity, and balancing emotions.

Cancer: As a cardinal water sign, Cancers can utilize pearl to counteract the Moon's heaviness. Wearing pearls, drinking pearl water, or taking pearl powder strengthens the ocular tissues and nerves. moonstone also clears blockages and enhances tear film. Expressing emotions in a healthy way prevents secretive build-up that clouds vision.

Scorpio: As a fixed water sign, Scorpios are aided by yellow sapphire which imparts the Moon's golden glow. Regular eye washes with cooled chamomile tea reduce irritations. Yellow foods like turmeric, ginger, and saffron stimulate circulation and drainage. Releasing negative emotions and past traumas clears the mind's and the eye's vision.

Pisces: For sensitive Pisceans, emerald gemstones channel the revitalizing green rays of the Moon. Acupressure at the inner corners of the eyes releases muscle spasms. Mint and melissa herbal teas refresh the eyes and calm the emotions. Yoga asanas that invert the head like a down dog reverse fluid congestion. Forgiveness exercises alleviate water-logged resentments.

Mercurial Remedies for Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Air signs are prone to eye problems associated with poor circulation, lack of tears, nervousness, and mental strain. Mercurial remedies work with the energetic and nervous systems to relieve these issues. 

Gemini: Agate stones in shades of blue, yellow, and green calm down the tense and unpredictable energies of Mercury. Eyebright herb taken internally and as an eyewash lives up to its name by enhancing circulation and brightness. Slowing down mentally via meditation relieves mental bandwidth pressure. Communicating feelings verbally can unclog mental constipation.

Libra: Emerald, the stone of Mercury, harmonizes Libra's disturbed nervous system and worrisome thoughts. Palming the eyes with a hot compress stimulates tear production. Saffron milk boosts ocular lubrication from within. Resolving relationship conflicts and establishing boundaries reduces mental anguish and eyestrain.

Aquarius: For Aquarians, sapphire cools overheated nerves causing dryness. Chamomile, passionflower, and lavender essential oils around the eye area relax muscles and calm nerves. Reducing technology overuse gives the eyes a break. Grounding techniques like walking and hugging trees balance flighty Air element energy.

Venusian Remedies for Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) 

Earth signs tend towards eyestrain from overwork, lack of fun, and stubbornness. Venusian remedies help open up joy and relaxation to dissolve stuck energies contributing to eye troubles.

Taurus: Rose quartz crystals infuse the eyes with love and beauty, relaxing rigidness. Eye masks with roses, cucumbers, and aloe vera give sensual relief to strained eyes. Enjoying art, music, and delicious food gladdens the heart and eye. Releasing possessions and stubbornness ease clinging to the vision of that cloud.

Virgo: Because Virgos tend to be perfectionists, amethyst crystal emanations teach the eyes to see imperfections as beauty marks. Passionflower and skullcap nervines calm mental obsession and worry. Eyebright eyewash and bilberry internally improve circulation and detoxification. Activities done with the hands like gardening divert energy away from the hypersaturated mind.

Capricorn: Malachite, known as the "stone of transformation", releases stuck energies around the eyes. Gentle shoulder and neck massage relaxes hard staring and tension near the eyes. Warming the belly with the hot water bottle or heating pad melts ice in the gut reflected in the eyes. Integrating spirituality thaws rigid philosophies freezing out intuition.

Jovian Remedies for Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) 

Mutable signs endure ongoing change, which can manifest as eye nerve pain and spasms. Jovian remedies provide soothing protection and restore nervous system health.

Gemini: Lapis lazuli eases headaches, eye pain, and nervous tension caused by Gemini's incessant thinking. Chamomile tea bags placed over closed eyes alleviate eye spasms. Palming the eyes gives them darkness and rest. Developing one's direct intuition quiets the mind's constant chatter.

Virgo: Rose quartz tumbled stones smooth away Virgo's hypercritical eye and sharp mental attacks. Gentle eye stretches relieve ocular discomfort from being hunched over. Head and neck massage addresses tightened nerves. A wholesome diet and bowel regimen clear toxins irritating the eyes.

Sagittarius: Amethyst crystals protect the eyes from overexposure to brightness during adventures. Long blinks while in front of screens give the eyes juicy rest periods. Cupping the area around the eyes draws out fatigue. Turning screens off at least an hour before bed allows proper eye rejuvenation during sleep.

Pisces: Aquamarine stones instill calm and clarity to help Pisces process life's experiential downloads. Palming the eyes to stimulate the vagus nerve soothes eye spasms. Opening the peripheral vision expands awareness beyond tunnel visioning. Structured creative time prevents scattershot wasting of visionary energies.

Martian Remedies for Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)

Cardinal signs benefit from cooling, constructive Mars energy to counter-irritation, impatience, and burnout. Martian remedies center agitation and harness vision for meaningful goals.

Aries: The cooling purple ray of fluorite soothes Aries’ bloodshot impatience. Gentle eye stretches to relieve tension near the tear ducts. Conscious breathing expends fired-up energies while lying down. Fun physical activity grounds intensity through the body and relieves eye strain.

Cancer: Moonstone water dispensed into the eyes alleviates hot ambitions burning the vision. Palming the eyes while imagining coolness reduces inflammation. Directing passion into art, gardening, or cooking channels heat into constructive channels. Releasing inflated expectations eases pressure cooker vision.

Libra: Rose quartz water calms angry eyes ignited by injustice. Eye pillows with soothing herbs like chamomile and lavender relax ocular hypervigilance. Communicating anger versus repressing it dispels hotness. Harnessing passion for causes through disciplined activism focuses intensity.

Capricorn: Rutilated quartz lightens the serious gaze and stimulates circulation. Headstand yoga inverts blocked energies. Relieving ambitious pressures and saying no to some work restores stressed vision. Reconnect with pure childhood joy and playfulness to moisten parched eyes.

Vedic Eye Care Techniques

In addition to astrological gemstones and herbs, the Vedic tradition prescribes eye exercises, acupressure, eye bathing, and eye masking to strengthen the ocular system holistically. Here are some techniques to incorporate:

  • Rub palms together to generate heat and gently cup over closed eyes. Palming grounds energy and stimulates relaxation.
  • Roll the eyes consciously in all directions to stretch eye muscles and enhance circulation. 
  • Place thumbs at the inner corners of the eyes, index fingers above eyebrows, and gently press to release tension.
  • Splash eyes with cool or room temperature water to remove irritants and energize.
  • Apply a soft eye mask to rest the eyes in complete darkness for 10-15 minutes.
  • Hold a candle flame at arm's length and slowly bring it toward and away from the face to exercise eye muscles.

Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Eyes

In addition to targeted remedies, making certain lifestyle adjustments can promote eye health for all astrological signs:

  • Get regular eye exams to check for issues and update prescriptions if needed.
  • Rest the eyes frequently when using screens. Follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look 20 feet away. 
  • Stay hydrated with plenty of water and limit your intake of sugary, processed foods which can cause inflammation.
  • Include eye-friendly foods like carrots, greens, nuts, citrus fruits, and fatty fish in the diet. Supplements like bilberry and vitamin A can also improve ocular nutrition.
  • Wear sunglasses when bright outside and avoid direct sunlight for extended periods.
  • Avoid rubbing the eyes excessively which can irritate the cornea.
  • Practice eye relaxation techniques like palming, massage, and warm/cool compresses. 
  • Get enough sleep to allow the eyes to fully recharge each night.

The eyes are our windows to the world, vitally important for how we move through and experience life. By aligning our eye care with astrological insights and ancient holistic remedies, we can keep our vision strong and clear well into the future. Paying attention to the root causes behind eye issues enables targeted healing aligned with our unique energetic blueprint shown in the natal chart. With some basic effort, we can have healthy, vibrant eyes that serve us beautifully for a lifetime.

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