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Top Astrological Remedies To Overcome Financial Problems

Money matters cause stress and anxiety for many people. Financial struggles can arise due to job loss, economic downturns, overspending, unexpected expenses and other challenges. When you're facing money problems, it's easy to feel helpless and stuck in a cycle of scarcity. 


The good news is that Astrology provides solutions. Your astrological birth chart reveals how you relate to finances. More importantly, astrological remedies can help overcome hurdles blocking abundance and prosperity. With the right remedies aligned to your unique birth chart, you can transform your financial situation from scarcity to stability and success.

At certain junctures in life, despite earnest efforts and perseverance, achieving our goals becomes elusive, giving way to financial challenges. The practice of resorting to loans even for minor purchases stands out as a primary factor contributing to financial vulnerability. The ensuing interest payments add a considerable burden, compounding financial woes. Several key factors contribute to the emergence of financial difficulties, including:

  • Enormous debts,
  • Unsettled loans,
  • Outstanding credit or debit card bills,
  • Business losses,
  • Facing bankruptcy,
  • Excessive spending on non-essential items.

Understanding Your Natal Chart for Financial Success

In Atrology, your natal or birth chart provides the blueprint for your life experience and personality. Your chart is based on the exact date, time and place you were born and reflects the positions of planets at that moment. Your unique arrangement of planets and signs determines your financial potential.

Also Read: How does astrology help in making rewarding financial decisions?

When exploring your natal chart, pay attention to:

Planets in the 2nd House - The 2nd house governs money, possessions, values and self-worth. Planets here shape your financial personality and money habits. For example, Venus here can give harmonious finances, while Mars may cause you to be reckless.

Planets aspecting 2nd house - Aspects are when planets form angles to one another in the sky. Trines and sextiles are positive, enhancing financial prospects. Squares and oppositions can block or challenge finances. 

Position of Jupiter - Jupiter is the planet of abundance, luck and expansion. Its sign, house placement and aspects show how you can attain wealth and prosperity. Jupiter in the 2nd house or positively aspecting planets like Sun, Moon or Venus are ideal.

Position of Saturn - Saturn represents discipline, hard work and responsibility. Its placement indicates where you must diligently put in effort. Saturn in a harmonious aspect to the 2nd house or Jupiter provides a strong foundation.

Positions of Malefic Planets - Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are malefic planets that can cause setbacks or obstacles. Understanding their placement helps you mitigate bad financial karma.

Once you understand your natal chart's promises and challenges for finances, you'll know where to focus astrological remedies.

Celestial Bodies Influencing Financial Problems

Mars: Mars is a significant celestial influence associated with financial difficulties and indebtedness in an individual's life. When it aligns with malefic houses like the 6th, 8th, and 10th houses, it can lead to overconfidence and imprudent decisions. Consequently, individuals may make choices detrimental to their financial stability. The presence of Mars in the 6th malefic house is particularly linked to the emergence of debts.

Rahu: Regarded as one of the most enigmatic and clandestine celestial bodies among the nine planets, Rahu's influence is noteworthy. When positioned in a benefic house, it facilitates overall gains, shielding one from the burden of debts. Conversely, if Rahu is situated in a malefic house, it suggests the likelihood of short-term debts, potentially leading to a sense of financial vulnerability.

Saturn or Shani: Often dubbed as the planet of challenges, Saturn has a prolonged presence in every individual's birth chart, introducing obstacles across various life domains such as finance, health, career, business, education, marriage, legal matters, and more.

10 Astrological Remedies to Improve Finances

Here are 10 powerful astrological remedies to create financial stability and growth:

1. Gemstones for planets influencing wealth

Gemstone therapy strengthens weak or afflicted planets in your chart. Wearing the gemstone associated with planets that govern finances boosts their positive effects.

Yellow sapphire for Jupiter - 3-5 carats on Thursday in Index finger

Diamond for Venus - 1 carat on Friday in Middle finger 

Blue sapphire for Saturn - 3-7 carats on Saturday in Middle or Index finger

Red coral for Mars - 3-5 carats on Tuesday in Ring finger

Emerald for Mercury - 3-6 carats on Wednesday in little finger

Cat's eye for Ketu - 5 carats on Thursday in Middle finger

Wear the astrological gemstones only after consultation with a Vedic astrologer to determine the suitable type and weight.

2. Grahas Yantras for planets influencing wealth  

Yantras are geometric diagrams that represent planetary energies. Establishing a yantra for planets that rule finances attracts their influences. 

  • Jupiter yantra placed in northeast of home on Thursday
  • Venus yantra in southwest on Friday  
  • Saturn yantra in west on Saturday

Rahu yantra in northwest on Thursday 

Worship the yantra daily by lighting incense and lamps. Chant the associated planetary mantras to energize it.

3. Charity and donation rituals

As per Vedic Astrology, donating to charity appeases planets and mitigates malefic karma. It also invokes cosmic abundance. 

Donate on days associated with your benefic or malefic planets. For example, Venus donations could include sugar, flowers or perfume. Saturn donations can be black sesame, iron or mustard oil. Donate to needy people or temples.

4. Abhisheka on Kuber Yantra 

Lord Kuber is the deity that grants wealth and prosperity. Performing abhisheka or consecration rituals for Kuber yantra activates its potency to attract finances. Pour milk, honey, sugarcane juice or pure water over the yantra daily. Chant Kuber mantras during the ritual.

5. Activate Money corners 

As per Vastu Shastra, certain areas of home represent prosperity. Activate these zones with colours, symbols, crystals and affirmations:

  • Northeast - Green plants, Buddha statue, citrine crystal, Enhance money flow 
  • Southeast - Red, candles, gold symbols, Attract new income 
  • Southwest - Purple, rose quartz, coins, Manifest financial gains

6. Planetary Essences and Infusions

Drink or cook with liquid extracts and herbs connected to planets influencing wealth: 

  • Jupiter - saffron, sacred basil, cinnamon, sandalwood, oak 
  • Venus - rose, flower essences, geranium, mint, chamomile 
  • Saturn - comfrey, patchouli, Solomon's seal, violet leaf
  • Rahu - mustard, calamus, valerian, devil’s club 

This strengthens the planetary energies in your psyche and energetic field.

7. Chanting Mantras 

Chanting mantras creates auspicious vibrations that attract prosperity. Powerful wealth mantras include:

  • Om Shreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteswaraay Namah (Jupiter)
  • Om Shrim Shukraya Namaha (Venus)  
  • Om Sham Shanaicharaya Namah (Saturn)
  • Om Vam Vam Vashraam Kuru Kuru Swaahaa (Rahu)

Chant the mantras daily during sunrise, sunset or at night. Maintain discipline for best results.

8. Meditation and visualisation

Through meditation, visualize a continuous flow of prosperity entering your life. Imagine money coming to you from expected and unexpected sources to establish a wealth consciousness. See your financial goals fulfilled in your mind’s eye daily.  

9. Activate Wealth Luck Days 

Certain lunar days known as Wealth Luck Days, Amrit Siddhi and Amrit Totka are auspicious for attracting money as per ancient Jyotish texts. On these days, perform wealth rituals like Puja, yantra activation, donations, money affirmations and abundance visualisations.

10. Jyotish Remedies from Horoscope Analysis

To find the best remedies, get a consultation with a learned Jyotish Astrologer. They can study your birth chart and navamsa thoroughly and recommend targeted remedies including gemstones, mantras, charities and pujas based on the planets affecting your money, karma and destiny.

Astrological Solutions for Resolving Financial Issues

Someone grappling with financial challenges will explore every available avenue to attain stability in life. If despite your diligent efforts, the desired outcomes remain elusive, it could be attributed to unfavorable planetary positions or potential defects in your horoscope. Nevertheless, there exist astrological remedies that can aid in enhancing your financial stability and steering your life back on course.

Worship Lord Hanuman

To alleviate all your debts, make a habit of visiting the Hanuman Mandir every Tuesday and chanting the Hanuman Chalisa. This practice will fortify you internally, enabling you to confront any financial challenges and attain prosperity. Additionally, it is recommended to abstain from consuming non-vegetarian food on Tuesdays.

Worship Planet Sun

An alternative method to eliminate all loans and mortgages is to worship the Sun every morning. Additionally, offer water to the sun during Surya Namaskar and recite the Om Namah Shivaya mantra 100 times daily. This practice is likely to enhance your financial stability, as the Sun symbolizes success and prosperity.

Worship Lord Kuber

The key to securing prosperity and joy is to ensure the continual contentment of Lord Kuber. As the God of wealth, keeping him pleased safeguards against financial challenges, ensuring a perpetual abundance in every aspect of your life.

Align With the Cosmic Forces of Prosperity

Financial challenges feel easier to tackle when you have the powerful forces of the planets on your side. Stay centred in faith and positive expectation to receive cosmic support through Jyotish remedies. Implement the remedies that resonate with you intuitively. The key is to align your energy with the limitless abundance of the Universe.

Within a short period, you will notice positive shifts that show these ancient sciences work. Opportunities start flowing in and wise financial decisions come easily. Keep doing the remedies even after your finances stabilise to enjoy lasting wealth and abundance.

Also Read: Loan Ke Liye Apply Kaise Kare? - पूरी जानकारी लोन के बारे में

Recite mantras and perform a worship ceremony.

Recite mantras and conduct rituals to effectively alleviate financial challenges in your life. This practice can also help overcome depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and more. Key mantras include:

  • Bahirav Mantra (108 times for 21 days)
  • Gayatri Mantra (108 times every day)
  • Daily chanting of "Luk Mukteshvar Mahadeva Namah"
  • Ganesh Puja
  • Hanuman Arti

Additional Remedies:

  • Place the money locker in the South-West corner of your house to ensure a constant flow of wealth, as North is the auspicious direction for Lord Kuber, the God of wealth.
  • Maintain cleanliness and orderliness in your surroundings to lead a debt-free life by eliminating unnecessary items.
  • Initiate loan repayments on Tuesdays by ensuring the timely payment of the first installment.
  • Apply a mixture of camphor and Desi ghee on your forehead daily before leaving home.
  • Show utmost respect to women, as they embody the spirit of Goddess Laxmi.
  • Avoid keeping any broken vessels in your house.
  • Please Goddess Laxmi by offering water to Lord Vishnu every Friday.
  • Dedicate a small portion of your income to charitable donations monthly.
  • Place the Kuber Yantra in a red cloth at your place of worship when offering prayers.
  • Every Friday, feed Kheer to three unmarried girls and donate yellow garments to them, ensuring the blessings of Goddess Laxmi in all aspects of your life.


Financial struggles can feel overpowering, but the ancient wisdom of Astrology offers solutions to overcome money problems. By understanding your unique astrological birth chart and implementing targeted remedies, you can transform scarcity into abundance. Jyotish provides time-tested tools to align yourself with the cosmic forces of prosperity. With discipline and faith in the Divine order, financial obstacles will give way to stability and success. Continue established astrological remedies to enjoy a lifelong flow of wealth and resources.

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