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Know the Astrological Remedies to Improve Husband-Wife Relationship

A happy and healthy marriage is built on mutual love, trust, and understanding between husband and wife. However, sometimes stresses of daily life, miscommunication, or differing expectations can put a strain on the relationship. During challenging times, astrological remedies based on the couple's birth charts can provide guidance on restoring harmony. Here are some key astrological remedies to improve husband-wife relations:


Analyze the Birth Charts

The first step is to analyze the astrological birth charts of the husband and wife to identify any problem areas. A skilled astrologer can study the planetary positions at birth to see if there are any malefic influences causing disharmony. For example, affliction to the 7th house or its lord which rules marriage can cause tensions. Or negative aspects between each person's Moon and Venus which influence emotions and relationships. An astrological chart analysis provides insights on root causes of conflicts so they can be addressed.

Match the Horoscopes

Matching horoscopes of the husband and wife based on Vedic Astrology principles can reveal incompatibilities that need resolution. The traditional system looks at 36 points of compatibility between Moon signs, Mars, Venus and other factors. Any major mismatches found in the ashtakoot matching can be remedied through astrological solutions. Wearing gemstones, rituals and pujas are customized to bridge the gaps between the two horoscopes and improve the couple's rapport.

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Appease Afflicted Planets 

The astrologer will check for any afflicted planets in the birth chart causing marriage disruption. For example, a debilitated Venus can bring lack of love and understanding. Meanwhile, a afflicted Saturn can induce feelings of sadness, conflict or separation. Remedies involve wearing specific gemstones suited to the planet, performing puja on days ruled by the planet, or reciting mantras to appease planetary afflictions. The aim is to reduce negative planetary energies impacting the marriage.

Strengthen Benefic Planets

The Astrology chart will also reveal any benefic planets that can be strengthened further to encourage marriage harmony. For the husband, Jupiter represents wisdom, prosperity and happiness from the marital tie. The wife looks to a strong Venus for an enjoyable marriage filled with comforts of life. Wearing pearls, diamonds or other lucky gems enhances benefic influences. Fasting on auspicious days ruled by these planets or worshipping the associated Gods can magnify positive energies.

Balance the Elements

The ancient science of Vastu identifies how balancing the five elements - earth, water, fire, air and space - within the home can improve health and relationships. Evaluating the cooking area, bedroom directions, placement of water sources and overall home flow is an important remedy. Simple vastu adjustments like entrance location, mirror placement or décor colour choices harmonize home energies with the dwellers. A Vastu-balanced home supports both individual and marital fulfillment.

Puja and Mantra Chanting

Special pujas and mantra chanting to please significant deities related to marriage are recommended. The astrologer will advise which rituals to follow based on culture and family traditions. For example, Hindus perform puja to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati who represent the perfect married couple. Chanting the many names of Lord Vishnu like Shri Rama enhances love between couples. Special pujas are conducted during important festivals for divine blessings.

Pilgrimage and Fasting  

Making a pilgrimage together to holy sites like the Mahalakshmi Temple or Mt. Kailash deepens spiritual connections. Observing fasts on specific days like Karva Chauth or Varalakshmi Vratham demonstrates devotion to the divine ideal of marriage. When both partners participate together, it builds faith in the union. The shared experience provides a chance to reflect on gratitude and commitment in the relationship.  

Live by Planetary Time Cycles 

Tuning one's life to the natural circadian cycles governed by planets brings balance and good fortune. Waking, bathing, working and sleeping at a favorable planetary hour optimizes health and blessings. Particularly, Venus hours are ideal for tender moments between husband and wife. Key relationship conversations or special dates should align with Venus times. Following the cosmic order enhances peace, prosperity and bliss in marriage.

Counseling and Communication

Even after using insightful astrological tools, counseling and communication are essential for improving marital relations. Discussing problems openly, honestly communicating needs and undergoing marriage counseling helps couples navigate differences. Learning conflict resolution skills allows them to disagree respectfully without hurting each other. The astrological remedies provide a supportive framework to do the inner work.

In summary, Vedic Astrology offers remedial measures to nurture marital friendship. Analyzing the birth chart, matching horoscopes, rectifying afflicted planets, balancing home energies, performing customized rituals, visiting holy sites, fasting together and living in sync with natural cycles all help restore harmony. With divine blessings and sincere efforts, husband and wife can reunite in enduring love.


How can Astrology help my marriage?

Astrology can provide insights into compatibility between you and your spouse based on your birth charts. Analyzing planetary positions and horoscope matching reveals the strengths and weaknesses in your relationship. Astrological remedies can then be suggested to enhance connection.

What if our astrological match shows incompatibility? 

Even with some incompatibility shown between birth charts, remedies can improve your marriage. Wearing gemstones, performing customized rituals, fasting on auspicious days, etc. can help bridge gaps between horoscopes. Counseling and communication also help overcome issues.

What is the most important astrological remedy for marriage?

While various remedies help, counselling and communication between partners is most vital. Astrology provides a supportive framework, but discussing problems openly and respectfully is key to resolving conflicts. Learning compromise and forgiveness nurtures marriage.

How soon will we see results after doing astrological remedies?

It depends on the severity of issues and depth of remedies performed. Minor fixes may show results within 6 weeks. But for major afflictions, consistent effort over 3-6 months is needed for step-by-step improvement to manifest. Have patience and faith.

Can Astrology guarantee fixing our marriage?

Astrology cannot guarantee 100% perfect results. The remedies provide guidance based on planetary influences but practical efforts by both partners are essential. Use Astrology for wisdom but also take responsibility for improving communication, understanding and intimacy.

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