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Know the Astrological Remedies for Long Life of Husband

Every married woman desires a long, happy and fulfilling marriage with her husband. However, the fear of losing one's husband untimely is a major concern for many women. This is where Vedic Astrology can provide solutions. Astrology can identify planetary combinations (yogas) and doshas (afflictions) that can cut short the husband's lifespan and also suggest effective remedial measures to mitigate these negative influences. 


In this blog, we will discuss some simple and practical astrological remedies that can help strengthen the longevity of the husband. These remedies involve propitiating the planets that govern lifespan, the planets causing obstruction, and the planets ruling the 7th house of marriage and the 8th house of longevity. Performing these remedies with faith and positive intent can go a long way in bestowing a woman with a long-lasting married life filled with love and togetherness.

Analyzing the Husband's Horoscope

The first step is to thoroughly analyze the husband's birth chart. The following key factors need to be studied:

  1. The life span determining planet - Saturn is the main significator of longevity. Its strength, placement, aspects etc. need to be studied. Any affliction to Saturn indicates reduction in lifespan.
  2. The 8th house and its lord - This is the prime house for longevity. Afflictions to the 8th house or its lord can affect length of life.
  3. The 12th house and its lord - This is the house of exit from this world. If the 12th lord is weak and afflicted, it can curtail longevity. 
  4. Placement of malefic planets - Study the placement of natural malefics like Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Their close conjunction or aspect on the above factors can hamper longevity.
  5. Marakas - Lords of the 2nd (wealth) and 7th houses (spouse) become marakas or death-inflicting planets. Their strength needs evaluation.
  6. Kalasarpa yoga - This yoga is formed when Rahu and Ketu hem in all planets between them. This can significantly reduce lifespan if not remedied.

Besides analyzing the birth chart, the Vimshottari Dasha sequence should also be studied to ascertain the weak or challenging periods that can affect the husband's health and longevity.

Simple Remedies to Enhance Husband's Life Span

Here are some simple and effective astrological remedies that can nullify afflictions to the husband's longevity and bless him with a long and healthy life:

  1. Chant Mrityunjaya Mantra daily - This powerful mantra dedicated to Lord Shiva boosts longevity. Chanting it 1 mala (108 times) daily can give good results.
  2. Worship Lord Saturn - Appease Saturn through performing puja and chanting Shani mantras. This will reduce Saturn's malefic impact. Wear a good quality Blue Sapphire gemstone on the middle finger after consulting an astrologer.
  3. Strengthen the 8th house - Donate black sesame seeds or iron on Saturdays and during Saturn transits. This will please Saturn and improve 8th house matters.
  4. Energize the 7th house - Since the 7th house relates to the spouse, energizing this house will be beneficial for the husband. Use artefacts and decor in shades of 7th house lord. For example, if Venus rules your 7th house, use more white items.
  5. Place a mangal kalash - Place a copper or brass pot filled with water and topped with auspicious leaves and coconut in the bedroom. Change water every Monday. This is an excellent remedy for delaying widowhood.
  6. Recite Garuda Purana - Garuda Purana helps overcome dangers for early death or accidents. Reciting one chapter daily can increase life expectancy.
  7. Pray to Yamraj & Markandeya - On Saturn's day (Saturday), pray to Yamraj and Markandeya. Offer jaggery, sesame and mustard oil. Seek their blessings for husband's health and longevity.
  8. Offer water to Peepal tree - Circulate water around a Peepal tree 108 times on Thursdays. This pleases Jupiter, giver of lifespan and averts untimely death.
  9. Wear a locket of longevity herbs - Make a locket with seeds of 7 grains and longevity herbs like Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Amalaki etc. Get a husband to wear this for boosting vitality.
  10. Perform Kaalsarp dosh puja - If Kaalsarpa Yog exists in the husband's chart, perform sarpa dosha puja annually to pacify the malefic impact of this yoga. 

In addition to these remedies, regular recital of Mrityunjaya or Maha Mrityunjaya japa and Rudrabhishek puja to Lord Shiva during adverse dasha periods will bestow blessings for a long and healthy lifespan for the husband.


Life and death are supremely in the hands of destiny. Yet, we have the ability to improve our situation through astrological remedial measures that help overcome negative karmic patterns. While strengthening the husband's horoscope, the wife should also empower her own chart for marital happiness and conjugal longevity. She can enhance the lifespans of both partners through prayers, charity, pilgrimages and spiritually elevating activities.

By diligently performing the appropriate longevity enhancing remedies, women can be assured of enjoying a long, secure and soulful marital life with the husband. However, one must act in time before afflictions become too powerful. Consult an experienced astrologer who can guide you on the most effective remedial measures after analyzing the birth charts of both partners. With divine grace and sincere remedial actions, the divine purpose of marriage can be fulfilled through lifelong companionship.

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