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Know When I Will Get Job As per Indian Vedic Astrology

Getting a job is one of the most important milestones in a person's life. It not only provides financial security but also a sense of purpose and identity. In the Indian context, Vedic Astrology can provide deep insights into the timing and nature of one's career. Here is an overview of how Vedic Astrology can predict when you will get a job.


The Role of Planets

In Vedic Astrology, the planet Saturn is closely associated with career and professional advancement. Saturn takes around 2.5 years to transit through one zodiac sign. The transit or movement of Saturn from one sign to another can indicate a major change in the career domain. 

For example, if Saturn is transiting the 10th house from the Ascendant or Moon, it can signal the start of a new job or promotion. The 10th house represents career, social status, and authority. Similarly, the transit of Saturn over the 10th lord can also trigger positive career developments.

Besides Saturn, other planets like Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus also influence one's profession. Jupiter's transit over the 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11th houses prompts new job opportunities. Mercury rules over intelligence, communication, and technical skills while Venus indicates service, arts, and creative occupations.

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Dasha Periods

The Vedic Astrology system of Dasha, or planetary periods, needs to be analysed to time events accurately. The Mahadasha and Antardasha systems are used to pinpoint the timing of specific events during one's life.

For instance, if a person is running the Mahadasha or major period of Saturn when it is positioned in the 10th house, it can indicate obtaining a new job during this period. Timing can be narrowed down further if this Saturn Mahadasha is accompanied by, say, Mercury Antardasha. Mercury stands for analytical skills and communication, which aid in getting employment.

Similarly, the Mahadashas of planets occupying or aspecting the 10th house or lord can bring about career openings in their periods. The confluence of relevant dashes with supportive transits maximises the chances of securing a job.

Divisional Charts

Vedic Astrology uses divisional charts, or Vargas, to analyse different areas of life. Of these, the D10, or Dasamsa chart, provides insight into career and achievement.

If the ascendant, 10th house, or 10th lord in the D10 chart is strong and well-placed, one is likely to find a job soon. If the D10 chart is weak, a struggle to find steady work is indicated. Also, periods of planets occupying the 10th house or aspecting the 10th lord in D10 can open up job opportunities.

House Placements

The following house placements in the birth chart support early employment:

  • Jupiter is in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, or 11th house. 
  • Saturn in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th house 
  • Mercury in the 1st, 4th, 6th, 10th or 11th house
  • Strong 10th lord in a trine or quadrant house
  • Beneficial planets influence the 10th house and lord.

Malefic planet placements in houses like 8th or 12th may cause delays in getting a job. But their direct aspect on the 10th house can still open up job possibilities.

Yogas for Employment

Certain planetary combinations or yogas in the horoscope facilitate smooth career progress. Some important astrological yogas for gaining employment are:

  • Mercurial yogas like Budhaditya Yoga (Mercury conjunct Sun), Malavya Yoga (Mercury in Kendra), etc. enhance communication skills.
  • Gajakesari Yoga, formed by the Jupiter-Moon nexus, makes a person socially respected and authoritative. 
  • Parashara's Ruchaka Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga, involving Mars' placement in the 10th house, imparts leadership abilities.
  • Venus' involvement in Malavya and Shubha Arambha Yogas blesses artistic vocations.

The presence of these auspicious yogas in a chart increases the propensity for job and career advancement.

Timing with Vimshottari Dasha

The Vimshottari Dasha system is commonly used to determine the timing of events based on planets and their periods. For instance, if the Dasha sequence in a chart is:

  • Saturn: 2016-2033
  • Mercury: 2033-2050
  • Ketu: 2050-2057
  • Venus: 2057-2077

Here, the person may get a job offer during Mercury Mahadasha between 2033 and 2050, as Mercury is the 10th Lord Sun in the birth chart. 

Or if Ketu Mahadasha from 2050-57 has Ketu placed in the 10th house, that period can also see a major change in career, like switching jobs.

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>> How Do You Know If Your Kundli Has Government Job Yoga?

>> Which planet is responsible for a job in Astrology?

>> How Can We Predict Job Change in Vedic Astrology?

Remedial Measures 

Astrological remedial measures like gemstone therapy, chanting mantras, and rituals can be adopted to strengthen weak astrological indications. Wearing a blue sapphire, emerald, or diamond may be advisable for boosting Saturn, Mercury, or Venus-related career prospects.

Performing rituals like Vedic homes and pujas to please planetary deities also mitigates malefic effects. These remedial measures reinforce positive job possibilities during conducive Dasha periods.


To conclude, Vedic Astrology provides a third eye into the karmic influences on one's career. It can accurately determine the nature, timing, and challenges impacting your job prospects. Seeking guidance from this ancient Indian system provides clarity on when you are likely to get employed. It also empowers you to take proactive steps to further your professional progress.


Which planets influence careers the most in Vedic Astrology? 

Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus play an important role in career advancement as per Vedic Astrology.

How can divisional charts predict job timing?

The D10, or Dasamsa chart, provides insight into a career. A strong D10 chart indicates smooth career growth.

Which astrological yogas support getting a job?

Yogas like Gajakesari, Malavya, Ruchaka, and Shubha Arambha give career success as per Vedic Astrology. 

How can the Vimshottari Dasha system time employment? 

Periods of planets occupying or aspecting the 10th house/lord can bring job offers, as per Vimshottari Dasha.

Do remedies like gemstones help in getting a job?

Gemstone therapy enhances weak planetary impacts causing job struggles, as per Vedic Astrology.


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